Hi Judy,
Thanks for your private email and encouragement. As far as our Santa Annas
goe, while they are similiar to your khamsin they are *never* as bad. Having
lived both in Beer-Sheva and Southern California, I feel as though I am in a
good position to compare.
The question that you pose, however, is very interesting, and not one I had
ever given any thought to. While living in Beer=Sheva, I well remember the
irritability that went along with the khamsin. Here in Los Angeles, when we
have a Santa Anna, I *do* often feel somewhat irritable, but not to the same
degree. I think it is *distinctly* possible that babies, as well as adults,
respond uncomfortably to the barometric changes. I will play closer attention
next time we have a Santa Anna and see what moms are saying. Right now we are
suffering from extremely high temperatures, but now Santa Annas.
Yaffa Stark, MA, IBCLC Los Angeles, Calif., USA
"We must identify and reduce barriers which keep women
from beginning or continuing to breastfeed their infants."
C. Everett Koop, M.D., ScD. Former Surgeon General