A great interview, James Akre speaking to Marie Biancuzzo here, <http://www.voiceamerica.com/episode/78557/men-welcome-breastfeeding-support-for-all>http://www.voiceamerica.com/episode/78557/men-welcome-breastfeeding-support-for-all Pamela Morrison IBCLC Rustington, England --- This email is free from viruses and malware because avast! Antivirus protection is active. http://www.avast.com *********************************************** Archives: http://community.lsoft.com/archives/LACTNET.html To reach list owners: [log in to unmask] Mail all list management commands to: [log in to unmask] COMMANDS: 1. To temporarily stop your subscription write in the body of an email: set lactnet nomail 2. To start it again: set lactnet mail 3. To unsubscribe: unsubscribe lactnet 4. To get a comprehensive list of rules and directions: get lactnet welcome