Painless blood in pumped breastmilk is most likely from a broken capillary and not to be worried about unless it becomes spontaneous, is associated with a mass, or doesn't resolve. When it is associated with persistent breast or nipple pain especially between feeding or with feeding. It is mostly likely due to candida and/or a staphylococcal ductal infection. We have seen such bad bleeding i infants emesis or stool that they were hospitalized for rule out GI bleed.
As for candida in pumped breastmilk during treatment the colony count should be dropping with treatment and therefore shouldn't re-infect. I also don't have them discard old milk or scale just use it sparingly in the future. I guess if I had someone with frequent recurrences or an especially difficult infection I might adjust that but most people get treated and don't have any future problems. Remember candida is NORMaL and thrush is only over growth that usually occurs due to trauma. Christine Betzold NP IBCLC
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