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Have a question about prem twins who are bf well and are due to be discharged soon. Mom has only been able to get in to NICU for two feeds per day but tandem breastfeeds and neither babe requires a supp of EBM after the tandem feeds. The rest of the time the babies are fed by staff with bottles of EBM.
Here is her question.....does she need to increase her feeds at breast slowly or can she breastfeed them for all feeds once she is at home. This mom has a lot of common sense and seems very aware of how well each is doing at breast.
My response was try to bf and see what the twins do - if they seem to be feeding well and settle following great, however if they seem to be less effective at breast as day progresses then pump and supp with EBM........
Not sure why I am questioning myself but thought other LCs may have some thoughts to share...
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