Hi, Swallowing problems should always be suspected and ruled out when there torticollis. Motor fibers from the IX craneal nerve (spinal accesory) are in charge of innervating the esternocleoidomastoid and trapeze muscles (in charge of neck movement), and also throat, larynx (intrinsic muscles) and palate. So, if there is a lession of the IX nerve, you might see a torticollis and also a swallowing problem. Hugs from Madrid. Kika -- Dra. Carmela Baeza Médico de Familia Consultora Certificada en Lactancia Materna IBCLC www.centroraices.com http://www.facebook.com/Consulta.Lactancia.Raices <http://www.facebook.com/pages/Centro-de-Atenci%C3%B3n-a-la-Familia-Ra%C3%ADces/274415189309122> Autora de "Amar con los Brazos Abiertos" http://www.amazon.es/Amar-con-los-brazos-abiertos/dp/8426904688/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1420813499&sr=1-1&keywords=amar+con+los+brazos+abiertos <http://www.ediciones-encuentro.es/libro/amar-con-los-brazos-abiertos.html> Comprometida con el Derecho a Vivir http://derechoavivir.org *********************************************** Archives: http://community.lsoft.com/archives/LACTNET.html To reach list owners: [log in to unmask] Mail all list management commands to: [log in to unmask] COMMANDS: 1. To temporarily stop your subscription write in the body of an email: set lactnet nomail 2. To start it again: set lactnet mail 3. To unsubscribe: unsubscribe lactnet 4. To get a comprehensive list of rules and directions: get lactnet welcome