I personally experienced this issue. especially once periods started, in the days leading up to the start.
Janet Dombro, IBCLC
> On Feb 21, 2014, at 4:52 PM, Laura Spitzfaden <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
> PTP.
> A mom is looking for information about pain during lactation associated with fibrocystic breasts. She says that one cyst ranges from marble to ping-pong ball sized. Her pain is shooting and wraps under her arm and around to her back. She denies any nipple pinching during feeds. She mentions that one of the larger cysts is "cradled" by a milk duct but I do not know how this was determined. I am not sure about her history in regards to Raynaud's and I do not know of any history of injury that may be causing referred pain. She has seen an LC who tells her latch is fine.
> Is anyone aware of fibrocystic breasts causing pain during lactation?
> Laura Spitzfaden, LLLL, IBCLC, APL
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