I would have to look at my records, but off the cuff I would say about 1/3 of the tongue ties I see don't seek revision, but there isn't anything consistent that I can see about why except that those who seek help early and are taught to latch with a hyperextended neck and chin in first tend to do better then others.
I breastfed my now almost 5 year old for 4.25 years with his un-clipped tongue tie. I account for his health because I knew I could do it and that I was flexible in use of bottle feeding when he couldn't do it. Within 3-4 weeks of his birth he was able to breastfeed whenever he wanted to.
He has been in speech therapy for a phonological disorder unrelated to tongue tie and his SLP is tongue tied too. We chatted about her perception of breastfeeding and TT (she breastfed her 2 girls) and she feels that very very rarely does she get clients with such limited tongue mobility as to cause speech impediments. Personally, I think that since speech therapy isn't covered by insurance TT is probably under treated via therapy.
Lea Rivera Todaro
Brooklyn, NY
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