I have gotten a few personal responses (Celina, Pat, Tania and Dr. K!) and thank you! It does seem that my suspicion that it is some submucosal/posterior tongue tie and that this baby is probably lucky to a) have a particularly long tongue and b) a mom with really beautiful everted nipples. What has come out of my request so far is a realization that there is a dearth of posterior/submucosal tt pics. Things that we can refer to. Cathy G.W. has a great one, Tania sent me another one. I would be honored if others sent me some. I'd be happy to post here and on my website with clear and accurate citation and link backs so others can learn as well.
If you have pics that you have permission to use of "tricky tongue ties" (cite CGW) please email them to me directly.
Lea Rivera Todaro, ABD, IBCLC
Brooklyn, NY
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