The listmothers will be very happy if the current thread on insurance
reimbursement, which is only relevant to subscribers practicing within
the US, can be concluded. The posts by Marsha Walker and Judith
Gutowski make it clear to those of us on the outside looking in that a
more fruitful address for most of these posts would be the US chapter
of ILCA. We urge all of you with concerns about how insurance
reimbursement is going to affect your work, to contact ILCA, which is
your professional association and bargaining agent.
We are posting this for two reasons: the discussion seems to be
heating up and we see the potential for violations of Lactnetiquette
to occur, and it is taking a disproportionate amount of space on what
is a world-wide list.
And to kick-start a different thread: Anyone have anything to report
from their activities in connection with World Breastfeeding Week?
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