Oh, boy – what a nightmare for your friend.
Can she get a copy of the medical reports from both of the mental health
programmes that have seen him? This could be important evidence in
showing a) that his issues are *not* due to the extended BF'ing, and b)
that there are suspicions that dad may not be the best one to have
custody. (I'd go lightly on that because throwing a lot of blame around
in custody cases can be a case of mud sticking – if your friend gets too
accusatory it could make her look bitter and vengeful, which would
backfire badly – but, if the mental health programmes felt there were
concerns about dad's treatment of baby then it's definitely worth
mentioning this.)
What does the ped actually advise as far as vaxing is concerned? Is it
mom, dad, or both who've been refusing to give consent for vaxing?
Has mom got any evidence that dad initially agreed to the extended
BF'ing – did they ever discuss it in writing at any point, or in front
of witnesses who might remember? If it can be shown that they both
agreed, it makes it harder for him to spin it as just her being crazy.
Kathy Dettwyler has a standard letter for courts at
http://www.kathydettwyler.org/detletter.htm which is overall very good,
but unfortunately has a major error in the fourth paragraph – her claim
that 'all of the research that has been conducted on the health and
cognitive consequences of different lengths of breastfeeding shows
steadily increasing benefits the longer a child is breastfed up to the
age of 2 years' simply isn't true (several such studies have shown that
the benefits level off after a certain point and that breastfeeding for
longer doesn't add anything extra in the way of benefit). While this is
a) irrelevant to the main point, namely that breastfeeding for longer
isn't *harmful*, and b) probably not going to be a problem to your
friend's case since it's unlikely that any lawyer is going to become
acquainted enough with the literature to dig out the cases that prove
her wrong on that point, it's still something that *could* blow a major
hole in her credibility if anyone did pick up on that incorrect
statement during the court case. You might want to use an edited version
that leaves out that claim, because some of the things she says *are*
definitely worth putting forth. Also, of course, she quotes the AAP and
the AAFP supporting extended b'fing as entirely harmless, and those are
two authorities well worth quoting in the case, since it's hard to claim
that something endorsed by the AAP is harmful.
Oh, yes – that page of Dettwyler's also links to a page of resources
from Kellymom for this sort of situation, but I haven't checked that out
and don't know whether it's any good.
Best of luck,
Sarah Vaughan
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