Karleen, can I pass this request to Murielle Bourbao who does a lot of
translation on this issue for HM4HB? She may have already translated that,
it's not new.
-- Jodine Chase
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada.
On Thu, Jan 26, 2012 at 4:11 PM, Karleen Gribble <[log in to unmask]>wrote:
> I was wondering if anyone would be prepared to translate the French
> warning against milk sharing for me
> http://www.afssaps.fr/Infos-de-securite/Communiques-Points-presse/L-Afssaps-met-en-garde-sur-les-risques-lies-a-l-echange-de-lait-maternel-Communique
> I'm working on yet another paper on milk sharing and risk and it would be
> very helpful to have this.
> Karleen Gribble
> Australia
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