Magic trick? Other than turn time backward, so mom can heed the help of
IBCLCs when it was offered way-back-when? (Ducking, now, from those of you
throwing things at me.)
I'd advise this mother to increase the number of times she pumps per day (5
times a day is pushing the envelope even when supply is adequate ....).
Make sure she is doing it around the clock ... and not taking too long of
a no-pump-break at night/when sleeping. Add lots of breast massage
before-and-during each pump session, with hand-expression immediately
afterwards (a la Jane Morton's hand-on-pumping technique). Skin to skin
for most of those 10-12 hours she is at the NICU. Have a day or two of
"power pumping" to change things up a bit. Praise praise praise from the
staff and IBCLCs.
Wyndmoor, PA, USA
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