I thought that the below excerpt from an article was interesting...
This challenge to the WHO recommendation is a bigger official issue in Great
Britain than here in the United States. We never adopted the WHO
recommendation, but the U.K. did in 2003. Ironically, however, it seems that
more American than British moms are following it. The BMJ review says that
less than 1 percent of British mothers exclusively breastfeed their babies
for six months. That compares to 13 percent here in the United States, as
<http://www.cdc.gov/breastfeeding/data/reportcard.htm> reported by the
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
Good data collection on infant feeding in the UK vs ordinary data collection
in the US (here in Aust it is also ordinary) results in vast overestimation
of exclusive breastfeeding....I refuse to use data on EBF in Aust because we
simply do not have accurate statistics!
Karleen Gribble
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