I've had that same powder stuff in the gallon jug for the two colonoscopies I've had, and it wasn't the most pleasant thing but it didn't cause terrible cramping.
I have done my colonoscopies without drugs. I had been with my husband after he had several colonoscopies for a chronic condition he has, and he always slept the whole day away afterwards. I didn't want to do that so I talked to our doc about it. She was surprised when I broached the subject but said that was fine with her. We both agreed, if I could labor for hours and give birth without meds, I shouldn't have a problem with a 5-10 minute colonoscopy. She is from Spain and said we wouldn't even be having that conversation in her country because people are not routinely medicated for the procedure. It was painful as all hell - like the worst gas pains in history - but it really did happen very quickly - I'd say it was more like 3-4 minutes. I used the relaxation and self-hypnosis techniques I teach my childbirth students. :-) Afterward, I got up and dressed myself and walked out to the car... very different from when I'd had to
practically dress my husband, push him out in a wheelchair, and he fell asleep in the car on the way home.
Just something else to contemplate as a possibility. :-)
>From: Lynn Carter <[log in to unmask]>
>To: [log in to unmask]
>Sent: Thursday, March 31, 2011 7:33 AM
>Subject: Re: colonoscopy
>Based on what anecdotes have been contributed, it might be good to look into
>the prep and anesthesia options for the sake of the baby!
>I've had to colonoscopies. For the first one, the prep I drank was
>something fizzy in a bottle, less than a quart, and it caused a day of
>terrible cramping and misery, which I would not have wanted to share with a
>baby! I also had general anesthesia, which was horrible to wake up from.
>Had I been lactating and separated from a tiny baby who couldn't wait, that
>would have been tough.
>Last year, I was given some powder in the bottom of a gallon jug. I was to
>mix it, chill it, and drink half a cup every 15 minutes or something like
>that. It was saline and just pulled water into my gut. No cramping, no
>pain, just lots of time in the bathroom. For the procedure I had propyphol,
>which was just like falling asleep and waking up from a good nap. There
>would have been no trouble nursing just as soon as I woke up.
>So there are certainly options which could make life more pleasant for a
>nursing mom!
>Lynn Carter SFO IBCLC
>Missouri, USA
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