Dear all:
It is really worth listening to the entire segment on the BBC. It was long and I usually skim, but I went for it because I think this is a sserious issue. I also contacted On the Media with WNYC because they do segments on this type of bias. The person I talked to actually is still breastfeeding her three year old and doesn't believe that this could happen on public radio. What was striking to me long before the host got to the point that he shouted Morgan down is that everyone was incredibly polite in acknowledging the woman who wrote the piece about being creeped out by breastfeeding, but Morgan was reamed out in a particularly vicious manner for breastfeeding her son until age five. The host chimed in at that point and even later about this issue. Despite this striking example, the woman from New York City didn't even pick up on the fact that the BREASSTFEEDING mother was the one who was criticized in a particularly disgusting manner on the BBC show when she blogged about her reactions to the show.
Here's the link to the BBC
Here's the link to Carolyn, the blogger who didn't really process the irony of the fact that Morgan was the one who was criticized on the show for breastfeeding, not the formula feeding mother:
Best, Susan Burger
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