Dear Collegues,
I had a patient confront me about the nipple shield being in a target store a few years ago. I contacted the Medela rep. She informed me that Medela was going to have numerous products on the retail shelves but that the instructions on the product warned that the buyer should consult a breastfeeding professional or a physician. I contacted the store manager and the Corporate office but to no avail.
I have had patients call me to ask if they should buy one. And of course my answer is no, that it should be only used under the recommendation of a professional with care and use instructions, close follow up of baby and weights and instructions for weaning of use.
Terri Klein RN, IBCLC, RLC
Registered Lactation Consultant
Central Michigan Community Hospital
Phone 989 772 3856
Fax: 989 772 6853
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