>>The claims made relating to the health outcomes of breastfeeding do
>>not account for the dose response found in many studies, which show
>>that babies breastfed exclusively or for longer periods have the
>>best overall outcomes.
>Yeah but I wish they could get the language right! Flippin heck!
>Anyone here with links to UNICEF UK?
>Karleen Gribble
Karleen, I agree - not just for the woeful lack of Weissengerising,
but for the high would-be academic tone, syntax and vocabulary.
These long sentences and technical jargon ('outcomes' and 'dose
response' are not words used by the people who write for newspapers)
are a turn-off for most journalists....just say what you mean in
plain English, PLEASE!
Heather Welford Neil
NCT bfc, tutor, UK
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