and we're looking forward to much more discussion on the charts when you're
here next month.
Australia has been very slow to start this discussion at federal level (the
Northern Territory government ahead). Even New Zealand has introduced them
before us.
Jan Cornfoot
Date: Sat, 27 Mar 2010 08:18:54 -0000
From: Magda Sachs <[log in to unmask]>
Subject: UK-WHO growth charts
thanks Rachel, a lot of hard work went into this project. This paper
describes the chart and we are working on writing up papers which describe
the process we went through testing prototypes with professionals to get
the design and instructions right, describing how we consulted with
parents. Papers on the new tools (height lookup and BMI lookup) are also
being written.
We also have a future work programme, so no rest for the wicked!
Magda Sachs
UK-WHO Growth Chart Group
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