We adopted a child with many issues and it took years to find a way to help him. Eventually we found Dr. Benjamin Feingold (now deceased) and his work with hyperactive children in his allergy practice. His book lays out an elimination diet that was very helpful to us and our son. I believe the book was titled: 'Why Your Child is Hyperactive.' I think there are still parent groups around the US who help families dealing with hyperactive children whose basic problem is allergies that cause their own bodies to secrete chemicals in response to allergens that also make the child hyper. I sent this info along in response to Jacqui's search for a simple diet plan. Dr. Feingold's plan tells you how to do it and how to evaluate foods one at a time as you add them back into your diet.
It seems like a lot of work at first, But my experience was that I ended up stocking my pantry with basic foods I could rely on and creating meals around those basics. It turned out to be less expensive than feeding my family processed foods, too. It changed our son's life and helped my entire family eat a more healthy diet.
Diane Perrone, RNC
Materna Wellborn
Algonquin IL USA
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