Hi all,
I am working with a mum whose baby is 3 weeks old. His chin recedes noticeably and was mentioned to mum in hospital. He latched on once in hospital then never since. I have seen her twice. Baby's weight gain is OK. She had a supply blip with mastitis and a different pump. She pumped for 5 months for her oldest child as he had a cleft palate (and no specific lactation support). She would love to get this baby to breastfeed. She is doing a fair bit of skin to skin. Baby knows exactly what to do/ his reflexes are strong and he tries to go for the breast. When he gets to the nipple though he can't latch. his chin seems to be in reasonable contact with the breast not pushed in though. She has tried biological nuturing style and lateral prone position as per 'Supporting sucking skills in breastfeeding infants'. I have suggested standing and walking skin to skin - I have yet to hear if that helps. He knows how to get to the breast but doesn't shut his mouth at all over the nipple. He was thouroughly checked by paediatrician in hospital and he does not have tongue tie.
I suggested trying a nipple shield but mum says it confuses him and he doesn't try to latch on.
Anyone out there with experience of recessive chin babies. This is my first time working with one.
Best wishes,
Sarah McCann.
Also LLL Leader.
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