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Lactation Information and Discussion <[log in to unmask]>
Tamara Hawkins <[log in to unmask]>
Wed, 2 Sep 2009 16:24:38 -0400
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Lactation Information and Discussion <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (165 lines)
Hello Everyone,

My post discussing my experience was found to be  offensive. Please
understand when I used the word "You" I was not referring to Lactnet as a
and I was asking a rhetorical question.

I am expressing my feelings  and actual experiences and wish to get some
helpful feedback.

Here are my questions I wish to be addressed:

What is the ethical and legal implications of advising a breastfeeding
mother over the phone and telling her to do something against what her team
of care providers who are counseling her, examining her,  working with
her everyday and multiple times during day while still hospitalized?

I am baffled by this phenon I'm seeing...Where is the milk? Are there new
that are being researched?  But sadly yes, I see many many mothers 3-5 days
pp with no
clinical signs of lactogenesis. I am referring to mothers that report
absolutely no breast growth during pregnancy,

 Unfortunately, those babies need

Thank you again,


Date:    Wed, 2 Sep 2009 12:34:12 -0700
From:    "Jaye Simpson, IBCLC" <[log in to unmask]>
Subject: Re: Phone consults

Hmmm....Tamera.  Respectfully:

I am baffled by your comments and the rather harsh statements:

"So please, stop passing judgment and making mothers feels bad. She does not
have to be experiencing what you read in a breastfeeding text book. If you
are that concerned and upset about what you are hearing, offer your services
for free and come help her out with every feeding."

Quite honestly - this is a rather insulting comment to those of us on this
particular list especially because MANY of us do give away our services for
free regularly.  I am one of them.  Many of us are actively working to
educate those MD's and nurses who ARE out there giving poor information,
wrong information and compromise the breastfeeding relationship sometimes
completely ending it.  No one here passes judgment so much as venting our
frustration with those who should know and clearly do not.

The simple fact here is that there is little to no Breastfeeding education
in Med school and what there is in nursing school, from what I am told, is
pathetic at best depending on the program you are in.  HCP breastfeeding
education is dependant upon the HCP taking it upon him/herself to get a
decent, solid education in Lactation.  Breastfeeding is one aspect of
healthcare that should be MANDATORY education for EVERYONE entering the
medical field regardless of the specialty.

Next - No one I know is stupid enough to counsel a mom in the manner you are
suggesting they do.  Most of us have the brains to realize that we do not
always know what is going on in the hospital when mom calls us.  Most of us
will tell mom to do what she needs to do to get baby healthy and home and we
will work on the BF issues later.  Also, most of us are quite well aware of
the fact that many hospital births end up with mother's experiencing
abnormally late arrival of the milk.   Rule #1 - as Coach Smith has taught
many of us:  Feed the Baby.

In regards to papers etc - do a search of Lactnet Archives.  You will find a
plethora of information there.  No need for anyone here to do that work for
you - do it yourself.   The tone of your post really rubbed me wrong I will
say and I wonder how many others it did too.  I work my butt off cleaning up
the train-wrecks created by those Dr's and nurse's and other IBCLC's who do
not know what the heck they are doing, and who are regularly giving out
wrong information, who don't even give a baby a chance to latch to a
(so-called) 'flat-nipple and instead throw a nipple shield, sns and/or
bottle in the way first.  I work my butt of to clear up the misinformation
that is rampant out there:  "you can't take ibuprofen while breastfeeding",
"You can't breastfeeding with inverted nipples", "You must be induced with
twins at 37 wks", "You can't BF with flat nipples", "You can't BF - you're
too old", "You won't have enough milk - you're too old/young", "Your baby
needs to be fed NOW!  He's an hour old and is starving and hasn't latched
yet - let's give him an ounce", "Formula is just as good as breastmilk -
there is no difference". My list of crap like this I have heard goes back 15
yrs now and for many of us even longer have we been dealing with this
nonsense.  Someone MUST be out there giving the PROPER and CORRECT education
to counter the countless crap that is told to mothers daily that compromises
breastfeeding sometimes to the point of ending it prematurely.

So - please be careful how you tone your posts.  Go back and re-read before
you send.  The tone was insulting, offensive and just plain not nice and all
I can pray for is that you did not mean it that way.  I've known the women
and men on this list for nigh on 15 yrs now and I am very proud to know
them.  These are GOOD people who do GREAT work.  And as an avid reader of
Lactnet that you say you are, perhaps you might consider going back and
re-reading and 'feeling' OUR frustrations, OUR pain at knowing women and
babies are being harmed needlessly and OUR anger that moms and babies are
being harmed needlessly out of a simple lack of education by those who
SHOULD have that education and SHOULD know better.  Then perhaps you will
actually understand what we are saying and that we are not the bad guys here
as your post seems to make us out to be.

Jaye Simpson, IBCLC, CIIM
Breastfeeding Network
Sacramento, CA

-----Original Message-----
From: Tamara Hawkins [mailto:[log in to unmask]]
Sent: Wednesday, September 02, 2009 7:33 AM
Subject: Phone consults

Hello Everyone,

What is the ethical and legal implications of advising a breastfeeding
mother over the phone and telling her to do something against what her team
of care providers who are counseling her, examining her, and working with
her everyday and multiple times during day while still hospitalized?

Do you tell a mom to stop supplementing because "she has more colostrum than
she knows" before a meeting, an exam?

I am an avid reader of lactnet but sometimes I get peeved when people get on
their high horse and blame everybody else and force a mistrust of other
people's judgement. I remember as I was training to become an IBCLC, I
received messages that MDS and nurses were not to be trusted, "don't let
anyone tell you your baby can't breastfeed if you have flat nipple" among
other statements I heard. Well guess what. When women in classes only hear
messages such as these, they become problem focused, defensive, anxious,
depressed, closed minded, and unable to work on a solution. Let's prepare
them to solve any problems they may encounter.
... ... ...
So please, stop passing judgment and making mothers feels bad. She does not
have to be experiencing what you read in a breastfeeding text book. If you
are that concerned and upset about what you are hearing, offer your services
for free and come help her out with every feeding.

I am baffled by this phenon I'm seeing...Where is the milk? Are there trends
that are being researched? Are there any papers out there that you can
forward to me? But sadly yes, I see many many mothers 3-5 days pp with no
clinical signs of lactogenesis. Unfortunately, those babies need

I look forward to your comments.

Tamara NYC


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