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Lactation Information and Discussion <[log in to unmask]>
Mon, 2 Feb 2009 00:47:44 -0500
Lactation Information and Discussion <[log in to unmask]>
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 I wonder if there is someone with more expertise with such babies than her chiropractor. I would also use Bach Flowers and refer to a homeopath.


Jennifer Tow, IBCLC, CT, USA
Intuitive Parenting Network LLC


Date:    Mon, 2 Feb 2009 04:38:23 GMT
From:    "[log in to unmask]" <[log in to unmask]>
Subject: 5-month-old who won't nurse unless swaddled (long)

Hi everyone,
I apologize in advance for a lengthy post but I really don't know what t=
o suggest to this mom - I'm going to post her own words.  I'll just add =
that I saw her at an evening meeting and during 2 hours this little girl=
 acted more and more hungry but wouldn't latch for more than a few secon=
ds before squirming around, reaching and grabbing at things.  The mom is=
 a champ but worked hard the whole time to keep her girl happy. When I h=
eld her to give mom a break, she was - I don't know what word to use but=
 the opposite of snuggly. And not interested in face-to-face play.

<quote> Yes, I don't know about autism spectrum or OCD, etc., but she de=
finitely is VERY easily overstimulated.  Sensory-integration difficultie=
s has the ring of possibly fitting - I know at least that she drinks it =
all in with wide-open eyes, no matter how tired or hungry she is.  The w=
ay I put it is that she doesn't have an Off switch.  And hasn't realized=
 that she can turn off/tune out simply by nursing and closing her eyes.
I know that she is different from other babies, and I sense that she may=
 be advanced/intelligent (but what mom doesn't).  I know she is very sen=
sitive.  She doesn't even seem to like or tolerate my attempts at massag=
e, and often will turn away her face as her dad or I come in close to gi=
ve her a kiss. She gets adjusted every week by our chiropractor; I can t=
alk to him about cranial-sacral therapy. Please feel free to post to the=
 LACTNET.  N**** is almost 6 months old, and this has been her pattern s=
ince probably a month or two of age.  Born in a complication-free C-sect=
ion after being breech my whole pregnancy.  When I still had not even be=
gun to go into labor at 2.5 weeks past due, and she was showing signs of=
 distress in utero, it was decided I could not safely wait any longer, a=
nd we proceeded with the surgery. Since our meeting the other night, I'v=
e tried nursing in other positions and places in the house.  You're righ=
t - she seems to like nursing sitting up, but it always ends after one o=
r two sucks, because she pulls off to look around.  Lately, she has gott=
en very fussy about being laid down on the changing table, so sometimes =
I dangle the breast over her and let her nurse while her dad changes her=
, or before I change her (hope I'm not setting a bad precedent here).  S=
he seems to like that, but again, soon pulls off to look around. N***** =
still requires snug swaddling, or her limbs go crazy and she never gets =
calm enough to relax, nurse well, and fall asleep.  Eventually, swaddled=
 next to me in bed, in the dark bedroom with the hair drier on high and =
possibly the vacuum cleaner turned on, she will settle and fall asleep, =
continuing to nurse in her sleep until I pull away, exhausted and sore f=
rom being in one position.  Even so, sometimes I have to try several tim=
es before she will decide she wants to eat and rest, instead of look aro=
und and talk (despite multiple very clear cues of fatigue). I don't know=
 what else to tell you.  I hope that's enough information.  I fear that =
this is only marginally a nursing issue, so I feel bad to burden your ne=
twork with it, but if you think it's appropriate, then I'm all for it. B=
y the way, we've tried discussing this with our doctors and chiropractor=
, and they typically just say, "Every baby is different, she'll sleep ev=
entually, she'll grow out of it", etc.  Thank you for taking an interest=
 beyond that.  I am really grateful. Let me know if I can provide any mo=
re info, and feel free to post our story to your network. <unquote>Thank=
s so much for any ideas you might have about what's going on here.Marcia=
 McCoy, IBCLCIn Minnesota, where 36 degrees Fahrenheit feels downright b=
almy today



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