Read the article and a few of the comments and placed one myself. ;o)
Marianne Vanderveen IBCLC, Netherlands
I read through a small part of the numerous comments, but find it
interesting that many people say that if breastmilk is so healthy and
mothers want to continue giving it to their children, they should pump
instead of feed at breast. An awarded midwife recently said: "Breastfeeding
has as little to do with milk, as sex with semen." Let that sink in, please,
all those who want to eliminate the bodily process. Positive touch and
closeness with others is what keeps us healthy, as it downregulates stress.
All those who are so 'apalled' by extended breastfeeding: do you no longer
have sex with your partner, once your family is complete or during the years
you don't want to have another baby yet? You never hug and cuddle those you
love? Babies can be breastfed, adults can have sex. When being a baby would
end at, say, one year of age, then how will the older child get the close
physical proximity that is *so* beneficial and necessary for growing up and
becoming a stable person with a positive self-image? When all is well, the
mother-child connection is the closest anyone will ever have in his or her
life. You will never again be so completely surrounded and nurtured by
someone else the way you are when you are inside your mother's body. Read
about extero-gestation: a mother mimicking the safety that the baby had
inside the womb, on the outside of her body by carrying the baby and
breastfeeding. That closeness slowly grows from dependence to independence
to mutal dependence. Extended breastfeeding can very well be a part of that.
Those who say it's a mother controlling her child, don't know how
breastfeeding works. You cannot force a child to breastfeed. Breastfeeding
is not milk transfer; it's a relationship, one that, when functioning well,
gets a child off to a good start in life, one that literally embraces a
child's needs and can help him grow into a stable, loving adult with a
healthy, non-sexualized mind.
----- Original Message -----
From: <[log in to unmask]>
To: <[log in to unmask]>
Sent: Tuesday, March 03, 2009 5:57 AM
Subject: [LACTNET] Got to read ....
> _
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> Laura
> LLL Breastfeeding Helpline - US
> 1 877 4 LA LECHE
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