Been a while since I've found the time to read Lactnet...I miss it..and all of you!
I think I need to get back on here. So I'm opening up my return with a question:
as the clinical director of the M others' M ilk B ank of New England I'm getting lots
of calls from moms that want to donate their milk because their own babies can't
drink their milk due to (insert your favorite allergy of the day). Mostly I'm hearing
dairy intolerance but also peanut, beef etc allergy.
Has the incidence of allergies increased to the point that even a mothers own breastmilk
can so often be the source of a reaction. I mean we always knew that dairy could be an issue
but why the sudden increase in babies that are affected or is it just that it is being
diagnosed more often? I'm puzzled and concerned, looking for some explanations!
Ilene Fabisch, IBCLC/RLC
Clinical Director MMBNE
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