Though this article is sure to make most of us angry and defensive, be sure to
really read the last few sentences where this self proclaimed cranky mom
describes why most women continue to breastfeed....because despite it being
the time commitment and demanding task of taking care of an infant it is also
the wonder and pleasure of having your dear little one so close and comforted
by you! Most long term breastfeeders do so because it's pleasant and easy
and rewarding and they enjoy it and despite this woman's fatigue with
parenting 3 young children and working she still seems to enjoy that sustaining
apsect of breastfeeding..the closeness. The realization that parenting is hard
work and full time and long term is daunting at times.So it's easy to blame it
on breastfeeding. Surely our culture/society that does not make it easy for
women to combine exclusive long term breastfeeding (of especially more than
one child) with an upwardly mobile career trajectory doesn't help.
Enjoying the sunshine in Southern New England even though it's still well
below freezing,
Frequent reader & infrequent poster,
Cindi Zembo
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