Hello Melinda,
I'm a bit busy (and too easily distracted from what I *should* be doing by
what I *like* to do ;-)), but I copy/paste here the references from bulletin
on candida from the Dutch breastfeeding association, that also explains
about Diflucan. Many family doctors don't know it and therefore won't
prescribe it, so this problem of yours is easily recognizable. :o)
Maybe you can google on some of them...? Hygiene is also very important of
As for Diflucan: "Dosage for mothers with persistent Candida-infection of
the breast: first day 400 mg, after that 200 mg per day for fourteen days
to100 or 200 mg for six weeks if mastitis was caused by Candida. A single
dosis is nearly always insufficient." I'm sure Gonneke is able to lighten us
all up once more about gentian violet. ;o)
Marianne Vanderveen, Netherlands
Heinig MJ et al., Mammary Candidiasis in Lactating Women, Journal of Human
Lactation, Vol. 15, 4 dec. 1999.
2. Lawrence RA, Breastfeeding, a guide for the medical profession, Mosby,
3. Riordan J, Breastfeeding and Human Lactation, 3rd edition, 2005.
4. Amir L, Hoover K, Mulford C, Lactation Consultant Series, Candidiasis &
Breastfeeding, Unit 18, Avery Publishing Group, 6-95.
5. Briggs, Freeman, Yaffe, Drugs in Pregnancy and Lactation, a reference to
fetal and neonatal risk, 1997.
6. VBN-brochure 3, Voorkómen en genezen van pijnlijke tepels, oktober 2004.
7. Mulder-Wildemors LGM, Verduijn MM, Candidiasis bij borstvoeding, Pharm
Sel 2004;20:49-52.
8. RIVM, Geneesmiddelen, zwangerschap en borstvoeding, 2003.
9. Newman J, Pitman T, The Ultimate Breastfeeding Book of Answers, Three
Rivers Press, New York, 2000.
10. Hale TW, Medications and Mothers Milk, A manual of lactational
pharmacology, Amarillo USA, Pharmasoft Publishing, 11th edition
----- Original Message -----
From: "Lueck, Melinda" <[log in to unmask]>
To: <[log in to unmask]>
Sent: Thursday, April 10, 2008 3:02 PM
Subject: [LACTNET] diflucan
Anyway, does anyone know of any research specifically looking at
treatment for yeast infections of the breast with Diflucan? Many of our
OB doctors are hesitant to prescribe extended treatment (advised by
Hale, Newman and others) without seeing some published info in peer
reviewed journals. There are studies about its long term use, but not
related specifically to the breast and breastfeeding that I can find.
I'm not sure why they are not willing to accept Hale and look at related
studies, which they seem to do with other meds, but that's the way it
is. So, I'm trying to find info and also getting updated about
"non-pharmaceutical" treatments, which looks like the way we'll have to
go with some of the docs---since they are getting annoyed at our
requests for Diflucan.
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