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Lactation Information and Discussion <[log in to unmask]>
Michelle Swanson <[log in to unmask]>
Mon, 7 Jan 2008 23:50:06 -0800
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Lactation Information and Discussion <[log in to unmask]>
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In  November  I  posted reply to someone asking about different
ways  to  support  mothers  in the community.  I talked briefly
about  the 'Breastfeeding Cafe' in my community and how it is a
partnership  between  the hospital's lactation team and the six
La  Leche  League  Leaders  in  the  community.  I had a lot of
private   emails   asking   for   more   information,  how  the
Breastfeeding  Cafe  works,  and how it got started.  It was so
close  to  Christmas  and  things got so busy, that I was never
able to answer many of those individual email inquires.  I have
felt bad about it and wanted to take the time to answer some of
those   questions   now.    If  I  don't  answer  any  of  your
curiosities, please ask them again, either on or off the list.
Also,  I  had  several  inquires  about  using these ideas, and
posts,   and   forwarding   them  to  start  similar  community
programs...YES!   Please  use  any  of  these ideas here to get
something  like  this  started  within your local task force or

How  It  Started:  Our community has a small, but active county
breastfeeding  task force.  The task force was started over ten
years  ago  by  a  LLL  Leader.  She invited her IBCLC and pump
rental  friend,  her  co-Leader, and a representative from WIC.
It  started  around  her kitchen table but now meets monthly at
the   hospital.    There   are   several   LLL   Leaders,   WIC
representatives, other state representatives and members of the
hospital's  lactation staff in attendance.  In fall of 2006 the
task  force  conversation  was focusing on how to encourage the
hospital  RNs  to  refer  breastfeeding  mothers  to  community
support  groups  (ie  La  Leche League and the WIC group).  The
head  of  the  hospital's  lactation  team  (IBCLC) suggested a
monthly   lunch   seminar   with  LLL  Leaders  speaking  about
breastfeeding   topics   to   mother/baby  RNs,  as  a  way  to
familiarize   them  with  LLL  Leaders  and  the  breastfeeding
knowledge  LLL  Leaders  have,  and the potential to share that
information  with  other  professionals.  It was then suggested
that  these  luncheon seminars be opened to all hospital staff,
not just RNs on the mother/baby floor.

Well from there it was decided that these "Lunch and Learn with
La  Leche League" should be open to the public.  The idea moved
to the drop-in Baby Cafe style format that was becoming quite a
popular  topic  on  many  breastfeeding Internet boards.  For a
time,  the  hospital  used  the name "Baby Cafe" and considered
becoming  an  official  UK Baby Cafe Charitable Trust location,
but  after  much  discussion  we  have decided to drop the name
"Baby  Cafe"  as  it  is  a  registered  trade mark and go with
Breastfeeding Cafe.

This  January  will be the one year anniversary of this drop-in
style  cooperative  venture  between the local hospital and the
local  La  Leche  League  Leaders.   Some  things  that we have
struggled with this past year included;

-  Pressure  to  make  the  Cafe a weekly group rather than the
monthly  group (which we have decided against doing because the
La  Leche League Leaders cannot staff the Cafe as volunteers on
a  weekly bases because of the other volunteer work the Leaders

-  How  to  learn  to  work  together!  Without having just one
person  in charge of the direction of the Cafe, it is sometimes
a struggle to make decisions without angering either partner.

- Going with the hospital's administration directive and moving
the location to a more private hospital area because all of the
breastfeeding women might offend other hospital patients (don't
get me started on that!).

- Also another hospital's administration directive is to have a
discussion/education    topic    every    month   because   the
administrators   said   very  clearly  that  they  didn't  want
breastfeeding  mothers  to  come  just  to  socialize  with one
another,  but  the  LLL  Leaders  must  lead a discussion topic

About  Discussion  Topics:  A  November survey of the attending
mothers  found  that  90% enjoyed a discussion topic and didn't
care  what it was about, just as long as it was informative and
pertained,   loosely,  to  breastfeeding.   We  have  discussed
nursing  in  public,  teeth,  the  art  of  baby wearing, which
included a fashion show of the many types of baby carriers (the
mothers loved this!), starting solids, breastfeeding in public,
and will talk about breastfeeding and dental caries this month.
About  Food:  The  hospital's  lactation head (IBCLC) felt like
this  venture  was  a budgeting priority for her department and
set aside funding to have sandwiches, cookies and bottled water
delivered  to  the  room every month.  It costs about $90/month
for two trays of sandwiches, cookies and bottled water.

About  the  Location:   We  were  originally set to meet in the
hospital's  lovely  Solarium, but were moved from that location
after  our  first  Breastfeeding Cafe last January.  A hospital
administrator was worried about potential complaints from other
patients  enjoying the Solarium, while breastfeeding women were
present,  and it was a battle we decided not to fight.  We were
moved  down  to  a  large auditorium, but only about 60% of the
time  do we actually have the large room.  The other 40% of the
time,  the  Breasfeeding Cafe is bumped to a small meeting room
down  a  long  hallway where we struggle to fit 15 - 20 mothers
(and  children)  for  the hour long Cafe.  This is something we
are needing to work on.

About  The Collaboration:  One hesitation that LLL Leaders must
consider before joining any type of collaborative venture, such
as  this, is that we can't put our name on any type of activity
that  doesn't  represent  LLLI's Philosophies.  We protect LLLI
reputation and name at this venue by always having at least one
Leader  present  at  every  Breastfeeding  Cafe;  we  lead  the
discussion  topics  so  that  we  are  able  to  interject LLLI
Philosophy  statements at anytime during the discussion; and we
have  a  handout  about  LLLI  and its Philosophies next to the
 sheet.  At the beginning of every Breastfeeding Cafe I
open  the  discussion  by saying the following, "Welcome to the
Breastfeeding Cafe.  This is a collaborative effort between the
hospital's   lactation  team  and  La  Leche  League.  (Then  I
introduce  all  of the Leaders present and all of the lactation
team  present).   We are all here because we want you to have a
successful  breastfeeding  relationship  and  meet  all of your
breastfeeding  goals.   We  will  be  discussing  *blank* topic
today,  but  feel  free  to ask any breastfeeding questions you
might have brought with you today, even if it doesn't relate to
today's  topic.   Feel free to approach any of us, at any time,
with your questions because we are all here to help you, in any
way we can."

Not only are we working together to help breastfeeding mothers,
but  we  are  building  professional  relationships  across the
spectrum  of  lactation  professionals.  The mothers who attend
Breastfeeding  Cafe  have a chance to see the nurse that helped
them with their first latch, the IBCLC who helped them overcome
that  big  breastfeeding difficulty, the LLL Leader they called
in  tears  at 9pm because something just wasn't right, and that
other   person  who  they  keep  hearing  about  who  nurses  a
three-year  old,  but in person doesn't seem that strange after

Breastfeeding  Cafe  is  a small pocket of time and space where
breastfeeding  is  actually  the cultural norm and no one feels
out of place or isolated because they are breastfeeding.

It  takes  work,  support and staffing by the hospital (and its
administrators)  and  the  support and time donation of the LLL
Leaders  who  also run the Breastfeeding Cafe.  We have touched
so many mothers through this venue.  These are mothers who want
breastfeeding  support  but are unwilling to attend LLLI Series
Meeting  (for  whatever  reasons)  but  are  happy  to  go to a
"hospital  supported  breastfeeding  activity".   Many  of  the
mothers  who  first  attended  a  Breastfeeding  Cafe found LLL
Leaders to not be the zealots they heard about and most mothers
also begin attending LLLI Series Meetings after first coming to
Breastfeeding Cafe.  We are receiving so much positive feedback
from  these mothers that even the hospital's administrators are
softening  to  the  idea  of "actual breastfeeding women really
breastfeeding  -openly-  at  their  hospital".   Its a true and
startling  phenomenon  to  many  older administrators, but they
seem to be warming to the idea a bit!

Sorry  this  post got so long winded.  I just wanted to try and
answer   all   of  the  questions  I  received  last  November.
Hopefully this great idea will excuse my rabblings...

Michelle Swanson, LLLL
mother to three, tandem nursing two
Wyoming, USA


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