My numbers are backward.
Baby #1 14 months, constant attachment for the first 9 months, my
velcro baby but my menses started 28 days after delivery, cosleeping
and never put down. (He screamed if I wasn't holding him. I showered
occasionally anyway.) He self weaned, he was too busy to sit and eat
after he got mobile.
Baby #2 14 weeks. I went back to work and she went on a nursing
strike which I had never heard of and didn't know how to resolve. I
pumped with a bicycle horn pump and easily managed supply. Gives you
an idea of how old my grown children are. My menses started 28 days
after delivery, cosleeping and held less but a lot anyway.
Pat Thomas RN IBCLC
1335 Lakeview Avenue
Winona, MN 55987
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