Jaye is struggling with a very common issue. I found the Academy of Breastfeeding
Medicine protocol to be extremely helpful. From my last read it doesn't sound like the
pediatrician is following the protocol and is a bit confused about iron. Iron is like vitamin D.
Breastmilk is not deficient in either one. Vitamin D is a hormone that we should convert on
our skin if we get an appropriate amount of sun and now because we have damaged the
ozone layer we have to balance that with the risks of skin cancer. Iron is something that is
healthier stored while in utero. It was not meant to be absorbed through the gut in large
quantities. Most of the storage occurs in the last trimester. The deficiency is too little time
in utero. The ABM protocol gives very clear guidelines on the issue of supplementing for
the deficiency in uterine time.
I'd give a copy to the parents and send a copy to the doctor.
Best, Susan
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