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"Jaye Simpson, IBCLC" <[log in to unmask]>
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Lactation Information and Discussion <[log in to unmask]>
Sun, 9 Mar 2008 09:56:58 -0700
text/plain (193 lines)
I am going to share my own thoughts on this because I think this is actually
a very important discussion that needs to continue.  Only by discussing what
we all see, hear and believe will we ever be able to get some semblance of


Currently we have in place the IBLCE who certifies only the IBCLC.  They
have their pathways and requirements.  Big fault on that one to me?  We have
all heard (or even know like I do) someone who lied on hours, got them
signed off and were allowed to take the exam without meeting the
requirements legitimately.  Some of us have filed a complaint (like I did)
to IBLCE and nothing happened.imagine my shock 9 yrs ago when I realized my
certifying body wasn't going to do anything even tho I had proof.


OK - so fast forward several years (because back then we didn't have all
these new certification bodies - we only had a couple organizations that
gave certifications).  We have too many 'certifications' that mean different
things to different people and moms don't have a clue.  Like many of you out
there, I too see moms who tell me all sorts of weird stuff the hosp LC (who
may or may not be IBCLC) told them or the PPLC told them or the lactation
nurse, or the BF advice nurse or the LC Dr at the hosp she was sent to see
(who actually isn't an LC but is BF supportive) who just handed her a nipple
shield and said give this a try.  


Now, I give everyone the benefit of the doubt, but when you hear the same
thing about the same persons over and over and over from so many women over
so many years.well, you kinds get the idea that maybe the moms are right.
And when you talk to said "LC's" and they tell you how they practice and
what their background is...well, then you see again that sometimes the moms
really do have a clue.  I often wonder why some people work in this field
because the way they practice just doesn't make sense to me - or quite
frankly, the moms.  I have at least 1 call per week now from moms finding me
and starting off with something to the effect of, 'The only reason I am
calling you is because my friend is making me and she said you were really
good - but I have talked to other LC's and saw so-and-so a few times and I
have no faith that you will really care or be able to help.  My experience
is that you LC's suck.'  !!??!!??  This absolutely KILLS me.  And these moms
are talking about LC's in all areas of practice.  Then I get a mess to clean
up and I get to restore the reputation of those of us who actually do know
what we are doing and do care.


So - what to do?  We DO find ourselves seeing pattern of people getting
quickie education, using their hospital hours as time (or worse - lying) and
taking the exam; we DO sometimes find ourselves generalizing people in
hospitals or private practice or mom to mom support just because we continue
to hear the same negative things over and over; we DO find ourselves seeing
a pattern of lack of standard education and methods to verify 100% that
requirements for sitting the exam have been met; we absolutely DO find
ourselves frustrated that so many out there are using the term LC as a catch
all for anyone who knows the tiniest bit about BF (and many of them causing


Do we stop the discussion out of fear for hurting feelings or hearing
something that makes us uncomfortable?  Do we stop the discussion for fear
of polarizing us against them?  Do we stop the discussion because someone
might take personally what is meant generally?  


I say - NO!!  NO!! NO!!


Continue the discussion and start talking about HOW to FIND the SOLUTION.
Continue the discussion and help each other find a way to change the system
that allows people to take a weekend/weeklong course then pass the exam.
Continue the discussion and find a way to help IBLCE better track and
document hours and requirements so that those who really don't have them
CAN'T get them signed off.  Continue the discussion to help those of us (you
know who you are!) who KNOW for a FACT that someone is signing off hours for
others who haven't done the time without fear of repercussion or losing
their job.  Continue the discussion.


Continue the discussion and find a way to educate the public about what is a
LLL, a CLE, a CLC, an IBCLC - what do the terms mean?  What are the
education requirements?  Educate the public to ASK questions about the
education and experience and WHY is this person an LC.  Those of us in
childbirth education need to be helping the parents navigate this confusing
information.  Those of us working in the hospital need to try to help
administrators understand why it is so important to have actual IBCLC's who
did more than use their L&D hours and a quickie course to become an IBCLC.
Those of us in Private Practice need to make sure we actually CARE enough to
give the time moms need and get the education we need to help these women
and babies once they get out of the hospital (and believe me I know a few
who really don't).  


Bottom line, in my opinion, we NEED to continue the discussion and recognize
the fact that there are some places where the problem is bigger than in
others.  We need to (and DO) acknowledge the fact that there are great
IBCLC's out there in the medical system and private practice field and that
there are some out there in both arenas who should NEVER be allowed near a
mom and baby due to the damage they cause.  Only by continuing the
discussion can we ever hope to make a difference.  We all know that the
powers that be read Lactnet.  They hear what we say and feel.  They read our
frustrations - they need to hear our thoughts on how to fix it or at least
refine it.  


And look folks, when we are talking about our frustrations with people on
Lactnet we are not naming individuals here!  We'd get tossed off the list if
we did.  There is no need to take anything said by anyone as a personal
attack.  We all KNOW there are great people out there working in the
trenches - but we also NEED the freedom to discuss the one's who aren't
without having to qualify each and every time that we aren't talking about
ALL of those who work 'there'.  This is where we simply have to take
responsibility for our own 'stuff' and remember that not all of us have the
luxury of having fabulous mentors or a BF friendly community, or ANY other
good LC's in our area to call on for support.  Many of us find ourselves far
surpassing the education of the others in our area due to our desire and
drive to learn as much as we can when the other's who are in the position to
help the first day just want to get that baby latched and get on to the next


As an aside:  I work in Private Practice.  There is no way I could ever work
in a hospital - I'd get fired the first day.  I am not politically correct,
I do not play the game - I tell it like it is and can back it up.  I know
IBCLC's in all areas of practice - some who are really, really good and some
who I wouldn't let help my cat lactate.  I listen to moms vent about the
hosp LC (who she wasn't sure was an IBCLC) who didn't show her anything but
instead shoved the baby on the breast and said the latch looks great while
the mom is in agony; the other PPLC's who didn't bother to return her
repeated phone calls or (possibly worse) came into the moms home and treated
her coldly and spent barely an hour &a half with her and left her wondering
what the hell just happened and why she doesn't feel any better and the
breastfeeding still sucks/hurts.  Then I get called and while validating
their feelings, try to gently explain that often times others just work
differently, or have a different education, or in the hosp just don't have
the time to take with mom like they would probably like to, trying to be
politically correct while sometimes wondering why I continually have to
clean up that mess that shouldn't have been made in the first place (imo).
It gets old - for me and the moms.


So please don't stop the discussion.  We NEED it.  We need to be able to
talk about these issues - they are important to our field and only by
continuing to talk will we ever make any headway.  Do I have any answers?
Nope.  I don't know diddly about big business and certifying organizations
and I choose NOT to take any step into the political arena of the Hospital
based LC ( I have Tons of respect for those of you trying to make headway
there.) because it would make me insane (and that won't help anyone!).  But
by listening to others talk and vent and try to come up with ideas, maybe
one or more of us WILL come up with something that can make a difference.
And that is what discussion is all about.


Thank you for reading/listening this far if you got to the end.




Jaye Simpson, IBCLC, CIIM

Breastfeeding Network

Sacramento, CA



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