Good Evening. I, too, am an Ivy Tech nursing student.
In researching the issues today in breast feeding, I came across the WHO
recommendations and papers that support women to breastfeed and that it
should be done, how wonderful it is and all of the benefits for mom and child.
All of the articles seemed have at least one paragraph in common - there are
existing societal norms that put up barriers to breastfeeding. These supportive
recommendations are great and it is a wonderful start to breaking down the
societal perceptions that get in the way of a positive feeling concerning
breastfeeding. But as agroup of professionals in the field who need to put
these recommendations in place, I was wondering, what are the barriers that
you see to breastfeeding in women today? Is the type of followup and
education recommemded in the WHO getting accomplished? I know, it seems
that everyone should know that breastfeeding is best, but they do not. How
do you as professionals recommend to make this common knowledge? Is
education the way to go? Or is it more beneficial to have follow ups in person
every month?
Thanks for any and all feedback.
Ellen Kinsel, ITSN
Moreland, J. (2000, April 1). Promoting and Supporting Breastfeeding. American
Family Physician, 61, 2093-2100. Retrieved September 30, 2007, from
Ebscohost Health Source/Academic Edition database.
Lewis, C. (2003, May 1). HHS Blueprint to Boost Breast-Feeding. FDA
Consumer, 37, 12. Retrieved September 30, 2007, from Ebscohost Health
Source/Academic Edition database.
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