I appreciate the post. I do not like the word discreet for the reasons you
stated. I might not be going far from this phrasing, but I find saying "you
can throw this blanket over if you want some privacy" works, or "if you are
sort of modest, you can wear a shirt like this and do thus and so....."
seems to relax moms and open the conversation about NIP. I kind of take my
cues from the moms who grab at the blankets or yell "wait!" and pull their
gowns over their breasts when they hear a sound at the door. Body language
and actions can speak volumes, and I feel I want to reassure moms they are
going to be able to nurse when they need to. I do discuss with these moms
that women become more adept and comfortable and quick about latching on
(and so does the baby) and there are strategies like going into a changing
room in a department store if they just don't want to NIP. Many moms will
tell you they will use a bottle when they are out in public. This *is*
Mississippi, ya'll. (But don't you think for a minute that Laurie Wheeler
just accepts the status quo). ;)
Laurie Wheeler RN MN IBCLC
Mississippi USA
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