My mother-in-law, who raised 6 children (born 1962-1972), all partially
breastfed (but is flat out disgusted with my choice to extended nurse my
children and says so), pushes the karo syrup and condensed milk thing all
the time. She says it's good for babies, especially if they're constipated.
The first time I saw her make a bottle of it for my nephew, I about had a
heart attack. I didn't even have kids yet (and so wasn't a lactation junkie
yet), but isn't there a botulism risk from karo syrup?
My husband no longer questions my decision to ask her to visit after my
newborns are several weeks old. We also do not look to her for baby-advice,
which grossly offends her...because my kids are the healthiest and happiest
of all her 13 grandchildren. Even though we are perverted enough to let
them sleep in our bed. :)
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