I cannot see how it can be argued that synthetic hormones are safe!! Thyroid dysfunction in the US is epidemic and synthroid ensures that an individual will likely never be healed. I cringe every time anyone tells me they are on synthroid. (Do a google search on the dangers of synthroid--it is used like a band-aid for a problem that needs to be treated holistically, and IMO allows for the cascade of hormone disregulation to continue unchecked.) And while Armour thyroid may not be synthetic, I also cringe at the idea that it is "natural" to take dessicated pig thryroid. While the use of Armour usually means the person has a far greater understanding of the bio-chemistry of thyroid, it still stops short of treating the cause of the problem. Bio-identical hormones are far safer and treat the body further up the cascade. They are used trans-dermally and can only be accurately prescribed when the mother has undergone saliva testing to determine the proper proportion of each hormone. They are not, IMO a permanent solution, but pose a far safer temporary treatment to either synthroid or Armour. Any mother with poor thryoid function should take an $80 urine test for iodine deficiency. Many times, thyroid function can be normalized through a combination of diet, (real changes, not tweaking the SAD), and using L-tyroseine, seleniun, kelp and possibly iodine and exercise. I am glad her doctor is at least aware of bio-identical hormones, although, IMO he should do more research with experts in the field, b/c I doubt weaning should be an issue. Remember that these the mother needs these hormones and their is a risk to having low levels of hormones, not only a ? risk to having high levels. Bio-identical hormones are more easily modulated than are synthetic hormones. If it were me--I'd choose the bio-identical in a heartbeat!!
Jennifer Tow, IBCLC, CT, USA
Intuitive Parenting Network LLC
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