<<Something about mother baby care encourages health care providers to make
decisions and encourage choices based on their own choices. We do not see
this in management of any other health care field.>>
But we do! My husband's father was in the hospital, just after a triple
bypass surgery. The (overweight) surgeon told him/them they had to cut out
the 4 American Staples (white flour, sugar, lard and salt) so he would have
a chance of improving his health. Then, he handed them a prescription for a
medication which blocks absorption of cholesterol, because he told them how
difficult he knew it would be to change their diet.
I work with many elderly diabetics. We do daily blood checks, and when there
is a pattern of high blood sugar, do we check and change their diet? No! We
increase the anti-diabetic medications (glipizide, glyburide, whatever). It
is "too hard" to provide a decent, balanced diet and is much easier to hand
them a pill.
And when the health care providers (HCP) come in, smelling of cigarettes,
they can say all they want about the dangers of smoking, but the HCP's
choice is obvious!
Unfortunately, it is not just the mother/baby connection. It is insidious in
(at least the American) culture. There is always something to fix your
problem, and here's a pill. But, that is the result of "medical education"
provided at the hands of the multi-billion dollar pharmaceutical industry!
It's everywhere, we just are more aware of the littlest ones who really
don't have the opportunity to really make their choices apparent.
Best wishes,
Heather "Sam" Doak
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