I'm an IBCLC in Israel with a medical question, and both our IBCLC doctors are out of the country at the moment.
A baby that was born at the hospital where I work is now 7 weeks old with bilirubin of 13.3, and doctor wants mom to interrupt breastfeeding for a week. This is the fifth breastfed child and first to have problems with jaundice.
Baby born week 39, released on time, had brit on time. At age 10 days bili was 16.8, and baby was readmitted for phototherapy. Released home at 11.
Baby's thyroid tests are normanl, as is blood count. Liver function tests are abnormal and are being repeated.
Is it necessary to interrupt the breastfeeding (a) in order to diagnose breastmilk jaundice or (b) because of possible danger to baby? If so, is it logical to interrupt for 7 days?
Bracha Haskel IBCLC
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