Ann said, "In the past 22 years, there have been less than 40 ethics
complaints worldwide- period."
I wonder if this is because there is no confidentiality arrangement in the
complaint process and any complianant has all of their personal contact
detail forwarded to the person about whom a complaint is made. I know of at
least one IBCLC who will be very reticent about making a complaint in
future, after discovering this.
It is a good idea to thrash out your concerns with the IBLCE here. But when
you have, direct them to your Regional Administrator. I found that having a
conversation with my regional administrator was very constructive.
Nina Berry BA/Bed(Hons) Dip Arts(Phil)
Breastfeeding Counsellor
PhD Candidate - "Ethical Issues in the marketing of 'Toddler Milks'"
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