Jeanette is right on with her comment about the seams inside a bra cup.
Women seem to be the most sensitive during pregnancy when their breasts
are growing and changing. We had one client who itched severely and in
her size there was no seamless (nursing or regular) at the time.
Inspecting the seam inside there was a nylon fabric overlay of the seam.
This bra was the only style that worked for her in her large cup. The
way we coped with this was to turn her bra inside out so that the flat
stitched front (without any sheer nylon overlay) was against her nipples.
Since then we have suggested this to other clients. If they sew they can
actually take off the hooks and eyes and replace them opposite so that
the bra hooks correctly inside out. Obviously, this won't work for a
drop cup nursing bra, but a breast pad usually solves the problem by
then. We have also suggested this to runners who cannot find a sports
bra in their cup size. It reduces chafing to wear the smooth side
against the body.
Some women are very sensitive to the seam across the nipple that some bras
have - often the thread is not cotton, but a blend. Even bras that are
"smooth" on the outside can have a seam inside - so I would recommend
checking this!
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