Trying to cautiously word my response to avoid the flames :) I am being sincere, not trying to *sound* (however we sound via e-mail) sarcastic.
Do you feel the same for example about serving a mother who has had breast reduction? Offering information about the risk of low milk supply is not OK?
I think it is possible to compassionately and thoughtfully offer information (and resources and referrals that are not necessarily warranted otherwise) to these mothers.
Michelle H. Kinne ICCE CD(DONA) CLE
<Karleen writes:>
I do not think that this is at all
helpful since we don't really have any way of telling what risk factors
might turn into real problems and we know that confidence is strongly linked
with breastfeeding success. Telling a woman that she may have difficulty
making milk is an intervention that we know will adversely impact her
ability to make milk. How is it OK to do that?
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