Dear Lactnetters - I want to report on the very positive attitude toward bf we encountered in FAO Schwartz (the legendary New York toy store). I was in New York at the end of March with my daughter and her 91/2 month nursling. We were in FAO Schwartz which was teeming with families. We thought we'd ask where she could breastfeed comfortably for my daughter's convenience with her baby at the "jack-in-the box" age. The saleslady said - "just make yourselves comfortable anywhere" and we did. Thank you New York Lactnetters who made this possible.
I must say in the last two and a half months I have been twice in the States with two different breastfeeding grandchildren and both in New York, and in Ft. Lauderdale Florida, we didn't encounter any problems breastfeeding in public. Warmly, Toby Gish RN, IBCLC (Haifa, Israel)
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