I have never heard of mothers being confined to bed after membrane rupture.
We have some odd practices here but that one is new to me. Can this mother
not choose somewhere more birth-friendly to birth? Like home? Or a
midwifery led centre? I would start the birth plan by refusing ARM and
continuous monitoring (then explaining that if the staff would like to
confine me to the bed, they had better order restraints.) I birthed my
third child on a bed ... I was kneeling supported by a big stack of pillows
resting against the headboard. I chose that spot and the staff could no more
confine me (or move me) than fly to the moon.
Have a look at Janet Balaskas' Active Birth and Mary Kroeger's book (the
pink one). They are really well referenced.
Nina Berry BA/Bed(Hons) Dip Arts(Phil)
Breastfeeding Counsellor
PhD Candidate - "Ethical Issues in the marketing of 'Toddler Milks'"
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