I have nothing official to offer, only anecdotal.
My grandmother was prescribed Lyrica and it was very, very bad news
for her. She was completely sedated and out of sorts for almost 72
hours. Apparently the physician did not take into account that she
weighs less than 100 lbs. and prescribed too much. It did not relieve
her pain (severe arthritis).
I have a local mother who has MS as well. She is currently using a
drug that she injects each day. It is listed in Hale and he has
studied it and found no untoward effects on the mother or the baby.
This mother also has no complaints and her neurologist supports her
continued breastfeeding.
If you would like to know the name of the injectable she's using,
please email me privately. I'm away this weekend but can contact this
mother when I get home if you send me a reminder.
--Diana in NY
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