Hi Barbara
Sounds like she could have blocked duct/s in the right side too now.
A couple of thoughts, might she try feeding on all fours over the baby
(gravity) or with baby's feet up towards her head while laying down to feed
for the first part of the feed? Sounds weird but it works for some mums.
I am sure you have discussed with her any pressure she's regularly putting
on any part of the breast If you've seen the ultrasounds you know the probe
only needs to touch the breast skin to squash a duct) - shaping to latch,
supporting the breast during feeds, finger on breast to clear nose for
breathing, breastpads/bra/shirt tucked under breast, pressure over nipple to
stop letdown in opposite breast, baby's hand resting on breast while
How old is bub - ?biting or fussing while feeding or kicking while changing
Soaking the nipple/breast in a bowl of warm water, leaning over, then
feed/pump/hand express? may loosen a plug/white spot if there is one, more
effective than shower.
hope that helps, cheers
You lucky thing being in Hawaii - have a paddle in that beautiful water for
me!! :-))
Del Smith
Breastfeeding Counsellor
Australian Breastfeeding Association www.breastfeeding.asn.au
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> "I have the blocked duct in the left breast and yesterday around 3pm my
> right breast became engorged and will NOT let down for anything.
> I've been pumping and nursing it every 1 1/2 hours. I tried heat, cold,
> showers, heating pads, ice packs, ibuprofen, massage, nipple massage,
> lymph node massage. After a while It got to the point where the bottom
> underneath of my breast would eventualy let down and 1 0z would come out
> but the top and sides just won't empty or drain AT ALL.
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