"Even if you verbally suggest or recommend a medication or even an
herbal (e.g.
fenugreek) without writing a physical prescription, a court or licensing
board could find that you were "prescribing" via that
recommendation. Tread
I guess when I look at that statement it makes me think all I better
be doing is helping moms with position and latch.
Fenugreek is considered a "dietary supplement." So, using the above
stated logic, I would be "treading" into dangerous waters if I
suggested a woman continue to take her prenatal vits - yes? And I
better not tell her she should ask her doctor for a prescription for
APNO or antibiotics if she has sx's of mastitis.
And I suppose If I see a nipple that is bleeding, I should say there
is red fluid coming from it?
Thinking about what I know about breastfeeding and what most of the
docs I work with know about breastfeeding makes me want to ask what
year this is if this is how we are supposed to behave.
Does anyone else feel frustrated by this?
Andrea Tran RN, IBCLC
Erie/Boulder, Colorado
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