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Richard Pennycuick <[log in to unmask]>
Tue, 23 Jul 2002 14:20:31 +1000
text/plain (63 lines)
Alan Chatterton asked:

>What other American symphony (..nies) should I seek out?

A quick flick through my CD database:

Barati: Symphony #1 (Naxos American Classics)
Barber: Symphony #1 - many versions to choose from.  It's worth getting
his 2nd on Chandos which is coupled with a fine symphony by Bristow.
Bernstein: Symphonies 1 and 2.  There is a third which is something of a
curate's egg, IMO - I don't like music with spoken elements.
Carpenter: Symphonies 1 and 2 (Naxos American Classics).
Chadwick: Symphonies 2, 3 (Chandos)
Copland: Dance Symphony
Creston: Symphonies 1, 2, 3 (Naxos American Classics), 5 (Delos)
Dello Joio: Triumph of St Joan Symphony (Koch)
Diamond: Several CDs on Delos.  One with the 2nd and 4th a good start,
but see later.
Giannini: 3rd Symphony (for band, Mercury).  Coupled with symphonies by
Gould and  -
Hovhaness, writer of many symphonies. #6 (Telarc) or ther St Vartan
symphony, if you can find it, will give you a feel for his sound.
Hadley: Symphony #4 (Naxos American Classics)
Hanson: 7 symphonies of variable quality - my favourite is #3.  Hanson's
versions of some of them are on Mercury, and Gerard Schwarz's Seattle
versions are reliable and include some other works not otherwise
Harris: 3rd symphony - Bernstein's version shares a CD with Diamond's
4th and Randall Thompson's 2nd.  Some other symphonies are on Albany,
but might be an acquired taste.
Herrmann: a solitary symphony.  My version is on Unicorn and thus nla
(although Berkshire may have it at some stage). There's another version
on Koch (I think).
Ives: Bernstein's Sony version of the 2nd is the one to have, imo - his
remake for DG is not in the same league.  The 3rd is available in a
number of versions.  I like this 1st, but it's not distinctly Ives.
I've never got anywhere with the 4th, but others will sing its praises.
Lees: 4th symphony (Naxos American Classics).  Worth trying, but I find
it too long for its material.
Mennin: The 3rd and 5th symphonies are high-energy wonderful music.
There are versions of the 3rd on CRI or Delos.
Paine: 2 symphonies in the C19 mould, on New World.
Piston: Most of the symphonies are available.  The Tilson Thomas version
of the 2nd on DG is very special.  The Munch version of the 6th is
almost in the legend class.
Schuman: Bernstein's 3rd, 5th and 8th on Sony.  The 3rd is my very
favourite American symphony, but again, avoid Bernstein's DG remake.
Shapero: Symphony for Classical Orchestra (Sony).  Although an older
recording, Bernstein's leaves Previn's version in the shade.
Strong: Symphony No 2 (Naxos American Classics).  Worth a try.
Randall Thompson: The 2nd is already mentioned, but the other two are
available on Koch and well worth exploring.
Virgil Thomson: Naxos American Classics has three of his.

I don't suggest that all of these are music you will necessarily like,
but there's nothing to frighten the horses.  Many of them I've bought
speculatively and have rarely experienced anything approaching
disappointment.  If this seems like a long list, wait till you find
what some of the listers with really big collections have!

Richard Pennycuick
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