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Internet Explorer--HTML and scripting


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Charles McGuyer
Fri, 7 Sep 2012 19:26:37 -0500
Anyone have any advice for onmouseover and tablets? This will really affect
my website and cause me many headaches. No complaints yet but I can feel it
coming. Thanks.
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Charles McGuyer
Thu, 13 Jan 2011 11:09:47 -0600
I was using this syntax to change the URL.

onclick="setTimeout(theurl('outlook10.htm'), 100)"

It worked fine in IE and Chrome but wouldn't in FireFox. This same
code on another page was working with FireFox, though. With the code
above I was getting an "Exception thrown and not caught" error.

I changed the code to this.

onclick="setTimeout('theurl'('outlook10.htm'), 100)" – (quotes around theurl)

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Charles McGuyer
Mon, 1 Nov 2010 13:25:56 -0500
I use the JavaScript below a whole lot on my website. With menus. But the JavaScript, css (layers) and menus create a problem when used with advertising banners. The banners, needless to say, pay me for my work. If the banners don’t load the menus don’t work. Sometimes a page has to be refreshed numerous times before the banners fully download and the javascript is able to function. This of course only happens with IE. Or I’ve never noticed it with Firefox, Chrome, Safari, etc. 

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Charles McGuyer
Mon, 18 Oct 2010 07:13:57 -0500
?Is anyone still around the group? Never receive any emails.

I have this problem with my css/javascript menus caused by a form from a previous page.

I have the code below on a page that directs back to my home page.......

<div style="position: absolute; width: auto; height: auto; left: 488px; top: 347px; z-index: 1;" id="button">
<form name="backbutton" action="../../myhomepage/index.html">
<input type="submit" name="xx" value="Back to Homepage" />

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Charles McGuyer
Mon, 31 Aug 2009 07:30:35 -0500
I have a popup window. From this popup I'm trying to pass a URL to a javascript function to change the opening window. I'm doing this from the popup...


The function....

function changeopener4(link) {
top.opener.window.location.href = link;

It works except it doesn't go to the correct location. I have no idea where it gets the URL that it's going to. I've tried different variations of the code but can't find the correct syntax. What is the correct syntax for this? Thanks.
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James Turner
Thu, 21 May 2009 21:11:29 -0400
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James Turner
Thu, 21 May 2009 21:07:29 -0400
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Charles McGuyer
Wed, 27 Aug 2008 19:29:14 -0500
I just updated to IE8 beta2 .I was hoping I was compatible but evidently not. I seem to be partly compatible. I use a lot of layers and javascript.

When I click on a link to pop-up a layer, the 1st time, it pops up fine. But if I try to open the layer a 2nd time it doesn't work. This happens on all layers. The 1st time it opens fine, the 2nd time it doesn't. I'm using this to call the layers.

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Charles McGuyer
Mon, 24 Mar 2008 11:55:29 -0500
I'm trying to change URLs to a page that has 3 layers. I want to show only one of the layers and hide the other two. I have no problems hiding/showing layers on any page but I can't figure out the syntax to do it when changing URLs. Here's where I am.... 

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Mon, 4 Feb 2008 10:20:18 -0600
Hi list,

I'm taking with careful first steps with Ajax-like techniques and have several

At, I'm
displaying a tree. The functionality of the tree works fine, but when I
expand/collapse branches in the tree, my <IFRAME> on the right-hand size of
the window keeps resizing. Obvisouly I don't want this to happen; I only want
the branches of the tree to collapse/expand, not the content in the <IFRAME>

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Charles McGuyer
Thu, 31 Jan 2008 08:10:26 -0600
I occasionally use a layer that will pop-up inside the current page. I always put a Iink inside the layer to close it when the user is ready. One drawback to this is that when the layer is visible and active, all other links outside the layer are still active. Is there a command that I could use to disable all links but the ones inside the active layer? Thanks.
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Charles McGuyer
Fri, 31 Aug 2007 08:01:57 -0500
I have "14 divs" of the div code below (ids are home1-home14). How would it be possible for me to send information, from the "area href" section below, (to only one div) of the name of 14 different jpgs (named home1.jpg - home14.jpg). I know it would be done with an array and I can set that up but I don't understand how to code the "img src" with information from the array. Any help is appreciated. 

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Tim Lewis
Wed, 22 Aug 2007 08:36:30 -0600
Please ignore this message. I am checking my subscription.
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Charles McGuyer
Tue, 14 Aug 2007 06:51:37 -0500
I am using the code below when I mouseover a link on an image map. Works fine, no problems. I will probably have 15 links (or more) mapped on the image map. Is it possible to pass the parameters of the "left" and "top" co-ordinates of the layer to the script function "ShowContent(d)"? It will save me from having so many divs with nothing changing but those co-ordinates. Hope I'm being clear. Thanks. 

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Charles McGuyer
Thu, 14 Jun 2007 08:42:58 -0500
Another question about swf files. I have some Flash SWF games on my website with advertising banners on them.
People access a certain game by going to With IE no problem. But in Firefox they
can type in and bypass my banners. The banners help pay for me hosting these games.

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Charles McGuyer
Wed, 30 May 2007 16:19:22 -0500
I have some code on one of my pages that opens a new window and a Flash SWF game. This is not all of it. Part of it is embedded.

<object classid="clsid:"

How do I close this window when the new one opens. I have tried onclick and onblur and cannot get the opener to close. Is this possible after opening a SWF file? Thanks for any help.
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Charles McGuyer
Fri, 9 Feb 2007 16:13:59 -0600
I'm wondering if this is possible? I map an image. The link is rectangle and inside the link is text (actually text image). Say, for example, 3 words, "this is text." On mouseover, would it be possible to have the whole rectangle link change to a very light, transparent color. And the words (image) be visible underneath the color. No tables, other images, or anything like that. Just an image with links on it. Basically, what you see on most menus, but an image map. 

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Charles McGuyer
Thu, 4 Jan 2007 09:37:59 -0600
I use a lot of image menus on web pages and at times I will put an 'onclick' in the <body> tag. When I click the mouse anywhere on the page, the menu(s) will disappear by going to a js function. This works good for me until I need to use another 'onclick' on the same page. Two 'onclicks' get in the way of each other when one is in the <body>. 

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Luca Passani
Fri, 27 Oct 2006 16:20:56 +0200
Hi, long time since my DHTML days.

Question for you guys. I need to drag&drop files from the (windows)
desktop/file explorer into a browser window (can limit that to MSIE 6+
if necessary). The system will then upload the file asyncronously (i.e.
the page won't refresh completely) to the server.

If this was happening inside the browser only, I could probably get away
with Ajax, but I suspect that the fact that desktop is involved, makes
the problem harder.

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Charles McGuyer
Wed, 18 Oct 2006 08:17:16 -0500
I am using a CSS menu that works great with FireFox but needs some javascript to work with IE. FireFox doesn't need the javascript to run the menus. This would be fine but after uploading the file to my server, it is running very slow. Everything has to load before the javascript takes effect. Below is the javascript that is running with IE. What can I do about this? Below is my website URL and if you would take a look I would appreciate it. I may have to switch back to my former code if I can't resolve this 

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Charles McGuyer
Sat, 12 Aug 2006 06:12:34 -0500
What do you guys program your websites with? I use Front Page although I don't use it to maintain my server. I recently read that it is being replaced. Is MS Expression the successor to Front Page? I guess I will download it to see what it does. Anyone been using it? What do you think? And any suggestions concerning other software is welcome as well. Thanks.
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Charles McGuyer
Wed, 5 Jul 2006 07:07:57 -0500
<area href="javascript:homepage('options1.htm','_blank','width=550,height=570,screenX=333,screenY=222')"

The code above places the new pop-up window in the correct position using Netscape 8.1. IE6 doesn't place the new pop-up window correctly. Is there an issue with IE6 concerning placement of windows? Thanks for any help.
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Charles McGuyer
Mon, 3 Jul 2006 19:40:24 -0500
I am opening 3 windows. I name the 1st one "the1stone" with the script below. This code is in the 1st window.


I open the 2nd window from the 1st window. Then I open a 3rd window from the 2nd window.

I then close the 3rd and 2nd windows and change the URL on the first window with the code below. This code is in the 3rd window. It works fine in IE6. Firefox and Netscape 8 closes the 3rd and 2nd windows but will not change the URL in the 1st and remaining window. What can

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Charles McGuyer
Mon, 3 Jul 2006 11:30:15 -0500
I have an image map and I am trying to pass the size of a new window to a function. I can't seem to get the syntax correct. What am I doing wrong? Thanks

<area href="javascript:options('name.htm','_blank','415,440,0,0')" shape="rect" coords="386, 191, 481, 215">

<script language="javascript">
function options(url,newwin,width,height,screenX,screenY) {,newwin,width,heigth,screenX,screenY) ;
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Kichline, Don (Indust, PTL)
Tue, 23 May 2006 13:19:28 -0400
With the fall out of Microsoft losing the court case, they are modifying how ActiveX behaives on IE. Does anyone know if this affects HTC or AJAX calls?


Donald R. Kichline
Software Engineer

Penske Truck Leasing
Rt. 10 Green Hills / P.O. Box 563
Reading, PA 19603-0563
610.796.4190 / Fax: 610.603.8402
E-MAIL: [log in to unmask]
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Kichline, Don (EM, PTL)
Tue, 10 Jan 2006 13:55:07 -0500
Shot in the dark, but is anyone experiencing IE crashes after this weekend? We came into work with reports that when users log into our web app, the browser takes a dump. I think it has something to do with XSL, but we are still investigating.


Donald R. Kichline
Software Engineer

Penske Truck Leasing
Rt. 10 Green Hills / P.O. Box 563
Reading, PA 19603-0563
610.796.4190 / Fax: 610.603.8402
E-MAIL: [log in to unmask]
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Kichline, Don (EM, PTL)
Tue, 20 Dec 2005 09:16:16 -0500
Here is hoping against hope, but here it goes...

We have a web application at our company that utilizes HTC behaviors to provide common functionality to form elements.

However we are getting sporadic reports of javascript errors occurring on the page. They seem to be mainly concerned with the HTC behavior. In affect what was happening is that the errors were preventing the page from submitting and thus stopping the user in their tracks.

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Charles McGuyer
Wed, 12 Oct 2005 07:34:26 -0500
I have a gif and the background is transparent. When I insert the gif into a layer, all I see is white for the background and the rectangle of the layer. It is not transparent.

So, I used the code below to make the layer transparent but I still see the outline of the rectangle of the layer. Is there a way to have only the gif showing in the layer and not see the outline of the layer? Thanks a lot.

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Kichline, Don (EM, PTL)
Thu, 26 May 2005 15:19:37 -0400
Okay, I realize this is not strictly speaking a scripting question. However I know there is quite a bit of experience between us, and I know you. So here it goes...

I am part of a group developing an internal web application. This application will run exclusively on Internet Explorer. For reasons that I will not go into, we have a need to send a file down to the browser and have it saved to a particular directory on the user's machine.

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Charles McGuyer
Tue, 24 May 2005 08:14:25 -0500
I use a lot of pop-up windows. I was just viewing my code with Netscape 8 and the windows don't pop-up, they are tabbed. Very inconvenient for what I'm doing. The next version of IE will have tabbed browsing. Is there a work around? Thanks.
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Sun, 10 Apr 2005 21:11:29 -0500
What's wrong with the following code?

sub m
MsgBox tempafb.width & " x " & tempafb.height
end sub

sub n
set tempafb = document.createElement("img")
tempafb.src = "c:\pic.jpg"
tempafb.onload = m
end sub

I'm getting an error-message on the line that's trying to set the onload event
handler. Is my syntax wrong? How can I make this work?

Thanks in advance,

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Charles McGuyer
Thu, 10 Mar 2005 07:57:34 -0600
Thanks for all the advice on my earlier post. I am opening up a bunch of new windows from inside various html files and have a long list of script doing the same thing over and over. I would like to reduce this list and not have to put a separate script for each window. How do I go about calling the same script when each new window has a different name? 

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Charles McGuyer
Tue, 8 Mar 2005 16:05:49 -0600
I am calling a *.js file with the script below in the <head> section of my html file.

<script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript" src="alltheroutines.js"></script>

The *.js file is in this format:

ns4 = (document.layers)? true:false;
ie4 = (document.all)? true:false;
ns6ie5 = (document.getElementById) ? true : false;

function shield() {"shield1.htm","_blank","scrollbars=yes,height=420,width=700,status=no,toolbar=no,menubar=no,screenX=0,screenY=0");

function scanner() {"scanner1.htm","_blank","scrollbars=yes,height=500,width=700,status=no,toolbar=no,menubar=no,screenX=0,screenY=0");

But it doesn't work. What am I doing wrong? Thanks.
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Kichline, Don (EM, PTL)
Mon, 28 Feb 2005 09:26:10 -0500
Take a look at the following block of html. Specifically look at the onchange and onblur.

<select onchange="alert('onChange')" onblur="alert(' onBlur')">

What I personally would think would happen is the following:

1. User changes value by any method, click, scroll or keyboard.
2. onChange event fires
3. User tabs out to a new field, or in general loses focus on the select
4. onBlur event fires

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Kichline, Don (EM, PTL)
Fri, 18 Feb 2005 17:19:09 -0500
I have the following HTML in a web page.

<input type="text" name="pickUpLoc" maxlength="7" size="7" value="0666-10" onchange="getLoc(this,pUpName,pUpAddress, 'P');fnAssignDropOff();" class="field" id="txtpickUpLoc">

The important part is the onchange. I expect that when the data changes in the text field, that this javascript will fire. However we are seeing that it is not always firing. Has anyone seen anything like this before?

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Aylard, James A SOPUS
Tue, 15 Feb 2005 18:38:03 -0600
Microsoft announced today that it will develop IE 7 for versions of Windows
prior to Longhorn, at least including Windows XP SP2 and possibly Windows
2000. The primary focus of the new version, according to press accounts,
will be security. Microsoft will release a beta for testing by this summer:



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Charles McGuyer
Tue, 23 Nov 2004 10:47:04 -0600
I have a website that revolves around an Iframe. All the links on the home page send the requested page to the Iframe that is contained on the home page. When a search engine finds a page for the site it sends the user to the page and it is not contained in the Iframe. I have javascript code that if a page is contained in a frame it will break out of that frame. How do you code javascript to go to the home page of a website if the page is not in an Iframe? Hope I am 

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Svante Svenson
Thu, 28 Oct 2004 15:24:38 +0200
Hi everyone.

Has anyone else except me noticed that web pages that use
the drag & drop functions in Internet Explorer stopped
working when KB834707 is installed?
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Orlando Cycloneous Echevarria
Mon, 27 Sep 2004 21:54:12 -0500
Make that five. . . .!

Cyclonus :-)

Four !!! ;)

>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Internet Explorer--HTML and scripting
>> [mailto:[log in to unmask]] On Behalf Of Svante Svenson
>> Sent: domingo, 26 de septiembre de 2004 22:44
>> To: [log in to unmask]
>> Subject: Re: The HTML List
>>> > From: Bart Heyblom
>>> > I think we are the only 2 ones left.
>> Make that three.
>> --
>> Svante Svenson
>> [log in to unmask]
>> Content management and e-commerce and integration and...
>> ----------------------------------------------------------------
>> The Microsoft Mailing List User's Guide

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Maid Marion
Sun, 26 Sep 2004 11:25:40 -0400
Is this list still active? I barely get any email from it.
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Charles McGuyer
Thu, 29 Jul 2004 10:02:47 -0500
I have a jpeg with mapped links on it. One of the links on this jpeg pops up another jpg over the bottom jpeg. Below is the code of the popped up jpeg and it is in a div. The pop-up is smaller than the bottom jpeg and I can still select the mapped links on the bottom jpeg. Is there a way to kill the links on the bottom jpeg while the pop-up is visible? Thanks for any help. 

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Ehsan Akhgari
Wed, 21 Jul 2004 20:29:35 +0430
Hi all,

Sorry if this question seems too basic. I can't think of any way of doing

I'm working on a page using XHTML 1.0 Strict doctype. I have a <div> in
which there are several tables, and I want them to appear centered respect
to the <div>. The data inside the table comes from a db, and I can't make
the tables have a fixed width (because some will be too narrow and others
will be too wide.

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Kichline, Don (EM, PTL)
Tue, 20 Jul 2004 10:02:04 -0400
Is there a way to automate the adding of a site to a user's trusted site list?

The problem we are having is with the impending release of SP2 for XP and the popup blocker, it will kill our application and generate 100s of support calls. We are looking to head this off as soon as possible and adding our application url to the trusted site. But because we don't want to have to do it manually, we were hoping there was some automated tool to acomplish this.

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Kichline, Don (EM, PTL)
Wed, 14 Jul 2004 15:23:16 -0400
Here is an interesting problem that I am seeing...

I attempt to move a popup to the (0,0) position. (top.window.moveTo(0,0);) And for the most part it works wonderfully. However, some users and myself included keep the task bar some where other than the bottom. I keep mine at the top. Well when you do the moveTo(0,0) it is under my task bar. And there is a gap at the bottom of the screen where IE expects the task bar to be. So it seems to me that the IE programmers are using the wrong coordinate system and never taking into

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Charles McGuyer
Tue, 13 Jul 2004 13:34:22 -0500
I am using the css code below to change a table's cell color. I want the cell to only change with 'onmouseover' and 'onmouseout'. I have tried onmouseover=class="changeColor" (and other variations) but it doesn't work. Could someone offer some advice? Thanks.

<STYLE TYPE="text/css">
{background-color: #BEC8D1;}

<td onmouseover=class="changeColor"> </td>
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Ethan Adams
Thu, 24 Jun 2004 13:04:11 -0700

Please verify that the script error generated by the following page is caused by the colon in the form name:

ASP.NET is generating this script -- it's the AutoPostback script -- so I don't have much control over it, but it would be nice to know exactly why the error is being thrown. Anyone who is aware of the solution to this problem is welcome to e-mail me privately. Incidentally, I do not receive this error on my development machine, which may be a little behind on IE6 service packs. Thanks in advance for any help

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Kichline, Don (EM, PTL)
Tue, 8 Jun 2004 14:33:03 -0400
This quite possibly has nothing to do with IE, but I thought I could just ask.

We are seeing a number of HTTP Status Code 302 on our Web Server for CSS files. We have not set up the server to have them redirected. I was wondering if anyone has encountered this at all?

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Yves Sucaet
Sat, 5 Jun 2004 13:03:44 +0200
Hi List,

The W3C has publsihed documents regarding the new CSS3 specification. However, it's hard to filter from these document the theory from practice. It seems that many new features seem to be more subtle than ever.

Therefore: Does anybody know of a website that talks about "What's new in CSS3"?

Thanx in advance,

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Peter Benoit
Wed, 2 Jun 2004 14:00:31 -0400
I know this is not an appropriate message for this list, but I'm leaving
this job today and probably won't be re-subscribing this list again for
some time, if at all. I've been an active subscriber though my last
four jobs, and have learned a great deal from you guys. I just wanted
to say I appreciate all the time and consideration given to me by the
members of this list, and wish all of you well.

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Peter Benoit
Wed, 19 May 2004 08:38:03 -0400
Is there a simple way to reference all of the text elements (input
type="text") in a form, without looping over the form?
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Tue, 18 May 2004 12:21:52 -0700
When I create a DLL used for a browser helper object,
how do I get the clsid of the DLL? For example, I
create the DLL, then register it using regsvr32. Then
I need to enter the clsid in the registry at
HKLM\SOFTWARE\...\Browser Helper Objects\ . How do I
get the correct value to enter there for my DLL? I
found some messages in the archives about BHO's but
nothing dealing specifically with this.
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Peter Benoit
Tue, 18 May 2004 11:29:43 -0400
Anyone have an address I can send an IE flaw report to?
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Kichline, Don (EM, PTL)
Fri, 16 Apr 2004 11:37:35 -0400
Does anyone know of a way to start a browser from the command line
minimized? Currently we can start the browser by typing:


The problem is, that the program opening the browser only has access to
running command line calls. Second, we do not have access to the person
machine to install software, so sending down a script or customized exe is
not possible.

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Kichline, Don (EM, PTL)
Wed, 7 Apr 2004 07:42:44 -0400
I am attempting to make a cross-browser compatible screen that utilizes
createElement, createTextNode and appendChild.

This screen obviously will have portions that are dynamically rendered based
on user input.

I have this screen, for the most part working under Mozilla and Firefox.
However, under Internet Explorer, I am having some difficulties.

One of the dynamic behaviors of the screen is to add new rows to a table.
The first column is a radio button, the other three rows are simply text.
The problem I am encountering is that under IE, I can not select the radio
button. It does not

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Charles McGuyer
Fri, 19 Mar 2004 16:49:08 -0600
Anyone recommend a good CSS editor? I am currently using the latest version
of Front Page. Is there anything that is better? Thanks.
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Charles McGuyer
Tue, 16 Mar 2004 12:57:37 -0600
I'm using the code below to open up new windows. I have about 5 windows I
need to open and they are all the same size. Is there a way to pass the URL
so I can only use 1 function instead of having to write 5 functions? Thanks.

(can I do something similar to this and how?)
<area href="javascript:updates(can i pass a url here)" shape="rect"
coords="423, 44, 484, 64"> and how do I code the "iss61updates1.htm" below
if I can pass a URL?

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Pearson, John
Tue, 16 Mar 2004 12:42:44 -0500
Im always a newbie at this.
I have two frames, frame1 loads a page from another server and frame2 tries to
list the links using parent.frame1.document.links. I get permission denied. e.g.
in frame2

// read the links in the adjacent frame
function scanLinks(){
var n=parent.frame1.document.links.length;
alert("you have "+n.toString()+" links")
<body onLoad="scanLinks()">

gives me permission denied. Is there any way to list the links in a page loaded
from another server without actually parsing the file?
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Charles McGuyer
Fri, 12 Mar 2004 08:23:06 -0600
I downloaded a trial version of Macromedia Flash MX 2004. It certainly isn't
intuitive to use (for me anyway). But, my question, is anyone here familiar
with Flash and do they like it for making pages for websites? Also, how do
people react to downloading Flash to their computer if it is not already
installed? Does that seem to create a problem, having to notify people that
it is necessary for them to have Flash installed in order to view parts of a
website? Also, how do people react to that and does it cause customer loss?
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James Aylard
Sun, 7 Mar 2004 11:50:18 -0800
For those who have been following this story, the U.S. Patent Office
has invalidated the Eolas patent that was the source of concern among many
developers [1]. This is a preliminary decision, but is a clear step in the
right direction, IMO.


James Aylard
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Toby Stuart
Wed, 3 Mar 2004 11:46:10 +1100
Hi All,

Quick question.

Is there anyway to force IE to print in landscape?

window.print(); brings up the common print dialog. I'm trying to avoid the
user having to select landscape in print options.

All help appreciated.


Toby Stuart
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