Normandy (closed, archive only)


This list is now closed, but the archives will remain available for reference.
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Steve Pruitt (Beyond Help)
Fri, 1 Aug 1997 05:57:39 -0700
The Internet Technology mailing lists were intended to support the
introduction of various technologies until they matured sufficiently to
be turned over to other groups for long-term support. Since that
applies to this technology, this mailing list is now closed. The list
archives will remain available through

If you have questions about this technology in the future, please ask
them in the* family of newsgroups on the server. You can find answers to many common
problems, and newsgroups that support other technologies or products,

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Steve Pruitt (Beyond Help)
Wed, 30 Jul 1997 13:43:15 -0700
I'm repeating this announcement to be sure no one misses it...

The Internet Technology mailing lists were intended to support the
introduction of various technologies until they matured sufficiently to
be turned over to other groups for long-term support. We are now
phasing out some of the lists that have matured. As part of that
evolution, this mailing list will be discontinued on August 1. The list
archives will remain available through

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Derek Harding
Tue, 29 Jul 1997 11:52:28 -0700
Does anyone know what's actually happening to the microsoft NNTP server?

I've seen some reference to it in the IIS 4.0 beta but cannot find it there.
All references to Normandy now say go use site server, but its not part of
site server.

Anyone know what's happened to this elusive piece of software? Has it been
killed by the exchange group? Did the source safe server for it suffer a
disk crash? Did the guy developing it simply shoot himself one morning?

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Steve Pruitt (Beyond Help)
Tue, 29 Jul 1997 11:37:36 -0700
The Internet Technology mailing lists were intended to support the
introduction of various technologies until they matured sufficiently to
be turned over to other groups for long-term support. We are now
phasing out some of the lists that have matured. As part of that
evolution, this mailing list will be discontinued on August 1. The list
archives will remain available through

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Rita Dokania
Fri, 25 Jul 1997 16:41:40 -0500
have an active server page.
It has a text box name "search"
When the user enters a query in the textbox
response.redirect takes it to idq/htx files of index server . Till here
I am doing fine .
Now i want to include mps component in my asp so that
when the user revisits his asp page he sees the query that he entered in
the textbox last time.
I can do this when there is no response.redirect thing (Instead ,the asp
page has form action on itself.)
<%set prop = server.createobject("mps.propertydatabase"%>
but if I have response.redirect it takes

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Gavin Bong
Tue, 15 Jul 1997 20:52:02 -0000

I am trying to create an ASP file which will run on the MPS server and list
all the profiles stored including all its properties. eg.

ID Favourite_Newspaper Age .....
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Steve Pruitt (Beyond Help)
Thu, 26 Jun 1997 07:54:13 -0700
I've changed the way these lists operate to reduce some problems users
have complained about in the past:

-- Most (but not all) attached files due to RTF or HTML formatting will
be removed by the list server. They'll be removed if the message author
has theie email program set to use MIME, but not UUEncode. If you are
configured for UUEncode please change to MIME.

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No Replies
Thu, 26 Jun 1997 14:27:18 +0100
I would like to draw your attention to Environment97, the world's first environmental conference to take place entirely on the Internet, at:

The conference takes a broad look at environmental issues. Papers range from global issues (eg. Climatic change) through environmental philosophy (Can the US be sustained?, Is sustainable development compatible with the free market?) to toolkits and techniques (Life cycle assessment, Environmental impact assessment).

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Andrew Hefele
Wed, 18 Jun 1997 16:15:25 -0500
Has anyone accomplished using multiple destinations on a single CRS
project? We keep abending when we have multiple servers listed on a single
project (delimited by spaces). Everything works just fine (within reason)
for a single destination.

thanks for the help!
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Robert Barker
Mon, 9 Jun 1997 15:53:38 -0700
Question -

Is it possible to develop with MCIS Membership 1.0, that when you sign-in to the site it starts billing you a flat rate of $19.95 for 30 hours, and then after the 30 hours has been used up it flips over to billing you $2.50/hr and/or upsells you to buying a full membership?

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Steve Pruitt (Beyond Help)
Sat, 7 Jun 1997 18:31:22 -0700
The following announcement seems likely to be of interest to some
members of this mailing list...

> Greetings. This message is to give you the lastest licensing and
> pricing information on the Microsoft Commercial Internet System
> product. We have been taking a bunch of feedback and believe we have
> some offers that will be of great value to you.
> The Licensing/Pricing information in this message is primarily for our
> Internet Service Provider Customers. You've ask for some special
> bundles and the ability to purchase various components as stand alone
> product. As a

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Chanan Braunstein
Fri, 6 Jun 1997 13:17:27 -0400
Does anyone know if these componanats of normady will be released? I
thought they were gonna be in Site server - That is what was implied by the
Backoffice site for MSIC, but they weren't...
Will they be available to MSDN memebers?

Chanan Braunstein
Vitis Research Inc.
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Steve Pruitt (Beyond Help)
Fri, 6 Jun 1997 05:50:50 -0700
Since this is the season when many people take their vacations, I
thought many of you should read the following excerpt from our Mailing
List Users Guide...

If you won't be checking your mail for more than a few days, you should
consider switching to a digest subscription or stopping the list
messages entirely during that time. Otherwise, if you're subscribed to
one or more of our highly active lists your mailbox could fill up during
your absence. Besides being a nuisance when you return, this can cause
you to miss important messages. The "mailbox full" errors also could

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Steve Pruitt (Beyond Help)
Fri, 16 May 1997 11:20:14 -0700
Microsoft has announced additional options for getting answers to
product support questions. Details are available at This
further increases the value of going to with product questions.

Please use the support newsgroups and other options when you have
questions or issues regarding any Microsoft products. That's where
you'll get the best assistance with your problems. These mailing lists
provide peer support discussing the use of new technology, not product
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Steve Pruitt (Beyond Help)
Mon, 12 May 1997 18:22:23 -0700
This may make these mailing lists a little easier for some of you to

Members of these mailing lists usually want to use the Inbox Assistant
to route messages for each list to a different mailbox, but messages can
appear with all sorts of unexpected friendly To names that are ignored
by the Inbox rule.

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Steve Pruitt (Beyond Help)
Mon, 5 May 1997 06:45:45 -0700
Microsoft has made some important changes to the MSDN web site to give
developers still more ready access to vital reference material. I think
this will be of interest to most developers, whether they are current
MSDN subscribers or not.

Check it out at !!!

New MSDN Web-Site!
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Clint Gallon
Thu, 20 Mar 1997 15:52:07 -0600
Does anyone know when the MS Certificate Server and the MS Membership
Server will ship?
I would like to get a beta too if there is one.

Clint Gallon
[log in to unmask]
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Gabriel Technologies
Thu, 20 Mar 1997 13:58:22 -0500
I have been trying to get specific pricing on MCIS server apps.
Has anyone heard anything on this or know where to go
"specifically" on site?


Robert & LaVelle Macias/MorningStar Internet Ministries
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Daragh Malone
Tue, 18 Mar 1997 10:56:47 GMT
For Mary and anyone else whose lost this message.

______________________________ Forward Header __________________________________
Subject: Welcome to the Normandy mailing list!
Author: [log in to unmask] at csgnet
Date: 24/02/97 12:32

Mon, 24 Feb 1997 07:20:46

You are now subscribed to the Normandy (Normandy) list.

The Normandy mailing list discusses the planning, setup and use of the
Normandy Suite of Servers. These include Internet Mail, Internet Chat,
Internet News, Content Replication, Membership Services, Information
Retrieval, Internet Directory Service, Internet Personalization, and

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Sat, 15 Mar 1997 18:52:45 -0600
I am SOOOOO confused on how to get IRCOPs defined on the chat servers...

I specified but how do I test IRCOP status?

anyone have any tips?
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Tyson Hartman (Andersen Conslting)
Wed, 12 Mar 1997 11:14:08 -0800
The latest release of the News server has a Web Admin tool written in
.pgi pages. I was hoping to create a similar functionality in ASP
pages, but haven't had any success. For example,
<% set x=Server.CreateObject("MSWC.Nntp")
If not IsObject(x) then
response.write "could not create news object"
end if
always generates the error:

Server object error 'ASP 0177:8002802a'
Server.CreateObject Failed
/nntp.asp, line 12
The call to Server.CreateObject failed. The requested object instance
cannot be created.

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Manfred Braun
Mon, 10 Mar 1997 18:40:41 +0100
Hi all,

I've got to tips on an earlier question, nor get I a lot of mails; And, is the a newsgroup for Normandy??? Or does it mean, this products are unused???

With best regards,
Manfred Braun
Lange Roetterstrasse 7
D68167 Mannheim
mailto:[log in to unmask]
Phone : +49-621-37 53 86
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Daragh Malone
Fri, 7 Mar 1997 11:18:01 GMT
I've noticed that a lot of the Normandy components use .pgi files
in a Web browser for administration. I've looked at the code in these
.pgi files, and it appears to be the same style as .asp files.
I'm also wondering if anyone knows of any documentation on the
ActiveX server components these pages use, such as MSWC.nntp for news
and for content replication.
([log in to unmask])
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Manfred Braun
Thu, 6 Mar 1997 23:35:24 +0100
Hi all,

I hope I am right here for questions with the MS NEWS Server. I've setupt the server and it runs. For our IT personnel I want to feed news from MSNEWS.MICRSOFT.COM.

That works with an automatic interval. But we have only dialup connections to the net. What I want to do is a feed from the commandline. I need a working example for the RFEED utility. I cannot get it to work. In the best case I'll disable the automatic feed (may be from the GUI [it's easy], than enable it, dialup and do the feed. How?

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Daragh Malone
Thu, 6 Mar 1997 17:20:12 GMT
It appears that any Active Server Page can create, read, write or
overwrite any file on the system, regardless of security permissions.
I hope I'm not missing something really stupid, but here's how to
recreate the situation.
Share out the wwwroot directory to a user, or use InterDev and
allow the user to login to the web. This I would imagine is all that
you want the user to see.
If this user creates an .asp page, and uses the
Scripting.FileSystemObject, he has full control over any file on the

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Chris Borneman
Mon, 3 Mar 1997 14:31:22 +0600
I've got IIS 3.0, and so far things have worked pretty good. However, when
I secure a script subdirectory, security is still wide open.

I've removed all priviledges to the subdirectory containing scripts that I
wish to be secure (require account and password to run). The only thing
currently granted is (SYSTEM has read access, and a group for users that
should get to it have read access).

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Steve Pruitt (Beyond Help)
Sat, 1 Mar 1997 08:28:22 -0800
Several problems were found in the new Site Builders Network web site.
Some are already corrected, and developers are working to correct the
remaining ones as quickly as possible. Some subscribers have
experienced a circular redirect problem on systems working through
firewalls. If this happens to you please ask your administrator to
update the cache.

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Steve Pruitt (Beyond Help)
Fri, 28 Feb 1997 05:11:32 -0800
The Site Builder Network and Site Builder Workshop web sites have been
replaced by a new combined site. This will help reduce confusion and
let us do an even better job of supporting web site developers. It
includes all of the material that was in the two former sites, and lots
more is being added to help you create interactive, revenue-producing,
traffic-building web sites of your own.

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Stan Furman
Thu, 27 Feb 1997 13:24:53 -0500
I'm working on MPS UserProperty Database. I understood that a code
<% set prop = Server.CreateObject("mps.PropertyDatabase") %>
creates the prop object that is already initialized to the user that
requested the page, and the user is recognized by GUID kept in his
cookie. The question is: What to do if the cookie is lost ??? And is
there any way to set several users to the same "mps.PropertyDatabase"
object, in other words to allow multiple users to see the same
personalized picture ?

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Graaf, W. de
Tue, 25 Feb 1997 11:57:05 +0100
I want to use the ldap protocol to access the ABS database.
With one of the first releases of MCIS came a ILS/ABS library.
There were an "ldapcli.h" and an "ilscli.h" included but I
missed the "ldaperr.h" file, that is referenced from the
Can anybody help me to get the "ldaperr.h" file ?

Wilbert de Graaf
[log in to unmask]
The Netherlands
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Kevin Forsythe (Volt Computer)
Mon, 17 Feb 1997 22:57:10 -0800

Thanks for your posting... To answer your question Microsoft has no
published ABS API... we do have an Ldap client api (wldap32.dll) which is
included in the Active Directory Server kit.. which I'd recommend you use
for this purpose... we also have an ILS API avail..

Thanks Kevin Forsythe
MCIS Support Team
Microsoft Corporation

-----Original Message-----
From: Graaf, W. de [SMTP:[log in to unmask]]
<mailto:[SMTP:[log in to unmask]]>
Sent: Thursday, February 13, 1997 6:49 AM
To: [log in to unmask]
Subject: Is there an ABS api

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Graaf, W. de
Thu, 13 Feb 1997 15:48:34 +0100
Currently, I use the ILS C api (header files, libs, and DLL's).
They work great for my job. I need the same thing for the ABS.
Does anybody know of such an api. Or how can I use the OLE server
remote ? Do I need to install the TLB file on the client ?

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Joe Madia
Wed, 12 Feb 1997 22:28:47 -0500
Does anyone know where I can find a complete TCP/IP level specification of
the Microsoft Internet Chat protocol. The Chat SDK covers ChatSock but it
blurs the line between the ChatSock API and the actual TCP/IP packet
protocol. Any help is greatly appreciated!

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Jason Priesmeyer
Thu, 6 Feb 1997 13:44:30 -0600
How did "they" get the number of users currently in the chat room to
appear on the Chat Central page

I know it's in the ASP code but I'd like to add this functionality.
Perhaps someone else has acheived this already.
Thanks for your ideas.

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Matthew David
Wed, 5 Feb 1997 17:35:25 -0600
I am working with a large group who is setting up a large intranet with
numerous departmental home pages. As my resources are limited I can not
afford to spend a great deal of my time working on hundreds of web pages.
What I am looking for is a program (whether it be CGI driven, an active X
control, or a stand alone) that I can configure with a given number of
templates. When the individual department wants a web page then can go
the program, fill in the blanks and immediately have a web page.

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Graaf, W. de
Wed, 5 Feb 1997 09:44:34 +0100
I'm trying out the MPS: Membership Personalization Server that
is part of MCIS. With my demonstration, I want to use the userID
instead of cookies to determine the correct user property database.
The lines are:

<% set prop = Server.CreateObject("mps.PropertyDatabase") %>
Response.Expires = 0
userID = Request.ServerVariables("LOGON_USER")
if userID <> Empty then
prop.ID = userID
end if

The Netscape Navigator retrieves this page much faster than the IE
but I do not understand why. I turned Basic Authentication off so
it also uses NTLM authentication (with the MS Authentication
proxy for the Navigator I think).

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Blees, Carsten
Tue, 4 Feb 1997 11:17:30 -0500
'lo there,

I want to post automatically certain incoming mails (e.g.
mailing lists) into a newsgroup.
Is that possible? Which other progs besides the newsserver do I

Thanx & bye,

No Replies
Karl Gudmunds
Tue, 4 Feb 1997 08:08:01 -0500
I'm looking for the same thing as Carsten. I get e-mail in and I
want to put it on a news server so all my users don't have to
subscribe individually.

How can we fill the news server content without using NNTP?

Karl Gudmunds

>>> "Blees, Carsten" <[log in to unmask]> 02/04/97 11:17am
'lo there,

I want to post automatically certain incoming mails (e.g.
mailing lists) into a newsgroup.
Is that possible? Which other progs besides the newsserver do I

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Sun, 2 Feb 1997 12:49:21 -0500
UNsubscribe NOrmandy John Nyiszter
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Jarrett Edwin B
Fri, 31 Jan 1997 11:43:38 -0800
I installed the News server yesterday and it seems to work OK. I have
set up a group to be moderatered. When I post a message to that group,
the message is emailed to the moderator. I assume that is what is
supposed to happen, since I could find no description of the process in
the documentation. I assume that what should happen now is that the
moderator will do something to approve the thread and actually post it
into the group. That is where I get stuck. I have no clue as to how to
actually post it into

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Rudisar Karel
Fri, 17 Jan 1997 12:39:42 +0100
Hi, all

Does anybody of you know where can I get command line utility capable of
sending mail via configurable SMTP
server including file attachments?

I appreciate any kind of help

Best regards

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Jeff Marshall
Tue, 14 Jan 1997 10:49:35 -0500

I'm trying to setup the MS Internet Chat Service on my server.
Everything is fine when I use michat.exe. I can chat and everything,
but I'd like a more web-based format (I'd like to embed the interface
right into a web page and michat.exe forces the client to open a channel
rather than simply logging on and then finding an open channel). I've
looked at the chatfind.htm and the associated pages that installed with
the chat server. They run fine with one exception. They give a URL of
mic//server/channel. My server currently doesn't know how to handle the

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Graaf, W. de
Fri, 10 Jan 1997 13:29:08 +0100
Hello to you all,

I have a question relating to a combination of the MPS and NT
I want to demonstrate both authentication and personalization. What I
want to
do is have a login page that prompts for the account name and password.
If the
user has been authenticated, I want to start a personalized page.
(I do not use the Membership system since I have not been able to
install it.)

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Richard Irving
Thu, 9 Jan 1997 11:47:40 -0700
Can someone point me to where in the ILS docs it tells you how to setup a
NetMeeting User Locator Server? I've not been able to find anything that
deals with NetMeeting specifically. Maybe I'm just looking in the wrong
place but I need some help.

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John Wildes
Tue, 7 Jan 1997 13:38:41 -0600
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Jon Wynacht
Fri, 3 Jan 1997 13:49:27 -0800
Just downloaded the latest beta of the news server and it said I needed
sp1 for NT4. No problem, downloaded that too. Installed it and ran the
setup for news server, which promptly told me that I had NOT done sp1.
Anybody have this problem and any workarounds. Perhaps I'm doing the sp1

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Brian Jennings (Olsen/Cyrus Assoc)
Tue, 3 Dec 1996 14:59:54 -0800
We are trying to install MPS. After installation, which goes fine, we get
the following error when trying to access the Property Database on our asp

Microsoft VBScript runtime error '800a0046'

Permission denied: 'prop'

/mps/personalize.asp, line 24

Permissions on the shared directory are set to full.

Does anyone know how to fix this? We are using the latest version of MPS.
Brian Jennings
Olsen + Cyrus Associates
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P Lachance
Tue, 3 Dec 1996 17:16:08 -0500
Well afte going through the documentation a few times, I saw that the only way to authenticate someone for the
chat server is basicly through NTLM and this has to be done in this manner [log in to unmask]

But this would require a different userid for the web and for the Chat ?

What if the person has 3 internet accounts ?

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P Lachance
Fri, 29 Nov 1996 11:17:09 -0500
Ok, well after playing around with some dll's and a bit of programming I was a able to create a program that
adds a user to the nt database, now the only time this program works is when I run it from the station.

I need to be able to automate the creation of accounts for authentication purposes on the chat server.

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Steve Pruitt
Wed, 27 Nov 1996 14:09:02 -0800
We are moving all of the Microsoft Internet Technology mailing lists and
message archives to new server hardware some time soon, probably within
24 hours, to maintain our high level of service. This will cause a
short interruption in service, but shouldn't have any other effects.
None of the addresses or other information will change.

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P Lachance
Thu, 21 Nov 1996 14:39:22 -0500
Where is it ? :)

Is there anything out yet that lets you play around with a membership system ?


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Nigel P. Willson, Internet Computing Technology
Tue, 12 Nov 1996 15:23:06 -0500
Does anyone have any experience of integrating Netscape
Enterprise servers in with MS Normandy's range of
Membership broker and Personalization?

My requirements dictate that we use a mix of vendors for
various reasons.

Thanks, Nigel Willson.

/ Nigel P. Willson, SSDS, Inc.,
____/ ____/ ___ / ____/ 8150 Leesburg Pike, Suite 1100,
____ / ____ / /__/ / ____ / Vienna, VA 22182 Pgr: 641-3087
_______/ _______/ _______/ _______/ Tel:703 827-0806 Fax: 827-0716
distributed secure business solutions
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Dennis Marsh
Fri, 8 Nov 1996 18:57:11 -0500
Why didn't Normandy come with and uninstaller?? It's not functioning
correctly, when I do the verify and the templates provided it does not
store my name in either one, but it does store the other fields. Go figure.

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Fernando Cima
Thu, 7 Nov 1996 13:20:48 -0200

Is anybody using in this list using MS Chat Server? Is it possible to
network Chat Server with other irc servers (ircd, webmaster)?


- Fernando Cima
Via Internet Informatica
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Sat, 2 Nov 1996 17:07:31 +0300
I have a question about MS BackOffice.
I am a computer science major, and i'm taking my senior project this
semester, i'm doing a study on MS BackOffice and especially the IIS and the
SQL Server, i have gathered some information about them, but nothing is
like first hand experience, I would be very grateful if you could tell me
about the advantages and the disadvantages of these products.

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Jon Wynacht
Thu, 31 Oct 1996 08:43:49 -0800
There are people on this list and that's a good sign.

So has anybody installed the Normandy news server yet? I'm interested in
finding out how well it works. I've downloaded it and want to set it up
on our Intranet, but am waiting for the right time; meaning having time
enough to do it :)

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Brenden Portolese
Thu, 31 Oct 1996 08:29:39 -0800
Now that we know there are people on this list,

Has anyone heard anything new, pertaining to Normandy, from the conference?

What ways do you guys/gals see yourself using Normandy?
Or are you like me waiting to here what Normandy is really useful for?

Brenden Portolese
Bellevue Community College
[log in to unmask]
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Sharon & Martijn Dekkers
Thu, 31 Oct 1996 06:36:10 +0100
Well I'm here too!

Martijn Dekkers
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Jon Wynacht
Wed, 30 Oct 1996 17:34:34 -0800
Just wondering if anybody was here? I haven't been getting any

Jon Wynacht
AccountMate Software Corporation
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Stephen Reuben Steindel Brown
Fri, 25 Oct 1996 08:21:26 -0700
I am looking into a project that would require interfacing with various
Normandy components. The project would involve developing a WinNT 4.0
system service, and communicating with Normandy's Merchant server and
Chat Server. Aside from the Chat Server API, what other developer
resources are there for doing this type of thing?

Microsoft -
I am not part of the private Normandy beta, but would like to be.
If you can point me to the right resources, I would very much
like to develop my groups online project on Normandy, but I need to
be able to add on to the

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