I've noted the discussions here about Non Steroidal Anti-Inflamatory Drugs
(NSAIDs) and a reported  increased risk of serious bee sting reactions in people
who have not previously experienced problems with stings, particularly

The gist as I understand it of it has been that drugs ending in 'phen' are
implicated.  This includes, I assume, Acetaminphen as well as ibuprofen
("...fen" = "...phen"?) as well as their higher power prescription relatives.
Recently, I have taken normal label recommended doses of ibuprofen on occasion
and gone working bees -- and been stung with no ill effects.  I think I heard
that the dangers are associated with *large* doses of these drugs, but I don't
know and I think that this area is not too well understood.

Recently I have been prescribed Arthrotec, an anti-arthritic drug for back
problems and swoolen sore hand.  The stuff really works.  So much for beekeepers
not getting arthritis.

Anyhow, I've looked around and see that this drug does not seem to be of the
"...phen" family.  A web search brought me this:  "Arthrotec is a new product
that combines the NSAID diclofenac and the prostaglandin analog misoprostol. The
diclofenac component of Arthrotec is responsible for the relief of the symptoms
of arthritis. The misoprostol component is responsible for the mucoprotective
properties. Arthrotec has the dual purpose of relieving the signs and symptoms
of arthritis and protecting patients from the development of gastric and
duodenal ulcers"...

I'm not taking massive doses, but I'm wondering what people know about this drug
and any dangers.

