Hello All:

When Canola was origianlly modified from its parent, Rape, the
modification was botanical, with no genetic material from other
species.  The modification was planned ( and succeeded) to produce a
plant which was not toxic to live stock.  The name was changed at that
time, to ensure users would be sure which they were groowing, as they
are indistinguishable from each other in the field.

Canola growers presented a fine video to the Annual meeting of the
Canadian Honey Council, meeting in Toronto, emphasizing the values to
honey producers for both nectar and pollen.  It was hoped that each
would help the other in production of the desired product.  Obviously
bee pollination would result in a much greater set of seed, from which
Canola Oil is produced.

Genetic modification has occurred in many hybrids in the plant, and in
the animal worlds.  I believe there is some consternation at the idea of
adding, for instance, human genes to plants.  Of course pesticides
imbedded in the plants look to me like a time bomb, without anyone
knowing how long the fuse is!!
