I did my first split this spring(about 7 weeks ago).  Got the queen in the
wrong hive, and had to purchase a queen from a local bee keeper(likes to
catch swarms more than split hives).   The good news is that the hive has
responded quite well to the queen and now I have 3 medium supers of brood -
and almost no honey.  The hive did dip in population and now is picking
back up.  In fact, is quite full of bees.  There has been little robbing,
and the bees seem quite healthy.  There is a great brood pattern - but
almost no honey or pollen stored in the hive.
        Today I put a super of honey on top(with a queen excluder under it!)
 hoping to help them with getting the larvae fed, but is there something
else to do?  I don't know if they will produce honey, or if they will just
produce bees!

Tim Rich
North West North Carolina, USA